4 Life Lessons God Is Teaching Me During My First Book Launch

Can you believe it? My first book will release Monday September 12! The book launch for Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace is only 2 weeks away. Yikes! I can promise one thing: I won’t be ready.
No, really! No matter how much midnight oil I burn or how many items I check off my to-do list, there will be more I wanted to do/should have done. Yet in the mounting anxiety (and excitement), I’m learning some very important lessons.
Lessons Learned During My Book Launch
Now is not always the best time.
Now is not always the best time to do something. Even something you should have finished a long time ago. Even something important.
Sometimes, we’d be better off waiting for a slower season. I’ve struggled getting this devotional written since November. In my frustration I decided it’s now or never. Wrong answer!
I began this project in earnest toward the end of summer, when I wanted to spend more time with the kids before they went back to school. Foolish! Then I helped my college son move into his apartment, which took nearly 2 days because of the distance.
Also, I’m a long-time vegetable gardener and amateur wild edible harvester. Guess what is ready to pick and process beginning late August through September. You’re right, all the produce. That means picking, cleaning, and canning.
Okay, I give! Lesson learned. No more fall launches (at least until my memory fails me).
Now is not always the best time to do something. #lessonlearned #booklaunch Share on X
Honestly assess your time limitations.
I’m notorious for thinking I can carry everything into the house with one trip, say yes to every request and still have time left over, and get everything done at the same time (and done well). Not possible (see above lesson).
I need to incorporate a bit more Not now, but maybe later into my days. I need to enjoy life in smaller chunks.
Life is better enjoyed in smaller chunks. Share on X
Each season is only a season.
Each season is only a season. Eventually even the worst one will end.
Sometimes a particularly overwhelming, exhausting, or difficult season will seemingly drag on forever! But it doesn’t really. All seasons come to an end. The ones I want to hold onto and the ones I’d rather see go more quickly.
This book launch season is a mixed bag for me. While I’m excited, I’m also a bit fearful and uncertain of what’s next and feeling a little guilty for the time it’s requiring.
Yet, by the end of September, this hectic time will be over. Then I can take a deep breath and put into my practice my newfound wisdom.
All seasons eventually end; even the worst ones. #lessonslearned #hopeinthemess Share on X
Our best is enough.
Our best is enough. My best effort in this book launch will be far short of stellar in the eyes of publishing and marketing experts. I’ve no doubt that to some, it will be construed as a failure.
However, I’ve already experienced success. I’ve learned an incredible amount in addition to the lessons highlighted in this post.
I continue to turn to God and ask Him to remind me that as long as I’m humbly walking in service to Him and trusting Him, I can’t lose. In whatever we’re being asked to do: We offer our best, and God blesses it and makes it enough.
Our best in any season, added to God’s always-enough, means success, no matter how the world judges it.
Our best in any season, added to God's always-enough, means success, no matter how the world judges it. Share on X
So there you have it, four powerful lessons I’m learning in the midst of overwhelm as I move toward my book launch date! I hope they help you in whatever season you find yourself in. And please, if I cross your mind in the next week or two, take a minute to pray for stamina (and for these lessons to stick).
Watch for an invitation to be on my launch team either tomorrow or Wednesday. I’d love to have you help me spread the word about the power and beauty of praise! And there’ll be a few thank you gifts as well.
If you haven’t yet, why not check out the preview of Everyday Praise, which features five of the devotions, by clicking the title or here. Let me know what you think!
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8
Reflections: Which of the four lessons can you relate to? What additional lessons have you learned during your own seasons of overwhelm?
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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New Book, Just Released!

Julie: Just catching up on my e-mails. Your life lessons are interesting. I am curious about lesson number one. When is a good time to launch a book, especially a self-published one? Spring with the planting, summer with the vacations and they laid-back atmosphere? Winter with the cold weather and the snow? I might need to know the answer to my question.