
Welcome to My Speaking Page
I love personally connecting with and encouraging other travelers in this journey of faith.
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Speaker Topics

The Search for Significance
We each have worth in the eyes of the Lord: Labels don’t define us, God does.

Important Spiritual Disciplines to Help You Through
Spiritual disciplines are important means to strengthen our faith, so we can persevere in the hard seasons: prayer, reading the Holy Bible; Worship; listening to sacred music.

Live Again: Reignite the Flame of Hope When Despair Threatens
Rediscover hope, purpose, and meaning in our daily lives of struggle by receiving the radical love and redemption of Jesus Christ.

The Pendulum Swing - Changing Tears to Laughter
Encouragement to navigate the roller coaster journey from despair to joy in the grace and mercy of the Lord (drawn from my experience of losing five children through miscarriage and having a daughter with significant disabilities).

Build Trust in God
God is good, even when our circumstances do not seem to be. If we surrender our expectations to the Lord, He will use our personal experiences to deepen and strengthen our faith, so we can trust Him amid the worst situations.

His Daily Grace
God is redeeming our circumstances every day: His all-sufficient daily grace can sustain us through it all.

Know God More Intimately to Trust Him More Deeply
God’s character offers hope and comfort in difficult times. When we learn more about who He is, we can be assured of His trustworthiness regardless of how things appear.

You Are Here to Make a Difference
God has a purpose for each of us as long as we have breath, no matter what our feelings or society might tell us.
Tailored talks around topics of disabilities, parenting, faith, grace, worth, and perseverance can be arranged.
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