How do we trust God for good when everything looks so wrong?
How do we hold onto hope when our world is falling apart?
Come rest with the One whose very nature promises hope!
When difficult circumstances sow doubt and fear, we need reminders that God is bigger than our troubles. We need to know that He has not changed, that He still loves us and still has a plan for our lives. He promises such things, but promises are only comforting if we believe the One who made them will keep them.
Sometimes I Forget, Lord, invites us to know God more intimately, so we can trust Him more deeply. Inspired by her own experiences of desperation, Julie weaves a prayer of lament and hope through 60 attributes of God. The simple prayers, real stories, and powerful reminders, offer comforting reassurance that God will be faithful in all He promises.

In the pages of this book you will discover
Life will throw you curveballs, but in the character of God lies hope.
Because of who God is, you can trust Him in your most desperate moments.