Presenting a Rosy Picture of Life May Be Harmful

Every Thursday in the month of August, I’m giving away a book! Don’t miss this third giveaway in celebration of my 4-year blogging anniversary. Read all the way to the bottom to enter to win a Bible for a young lady in your life!
Too often as Christians we believe life should be rosy, because … well … we’re Christians.
We kind of promote such an idea through the Pinterest- and Facebook-perfect lives we present. But I think we do each other a disservice by projecting an image of everyday ease and comfort.
Life is hard. Sin is destructive. We live in a broken world. It won’t always be pretty and neat and comfortable.
Some days will be darn right hard. Even when we love the Lord. Even when our salvation is secure. Even when we know the promises of Scripture. Even when we are in close relationship with God.
Yes, some days will be hard. And there will be tears and heartache and loneliness. Even for Christians.
Some days will be hard. And there will be tears and heartache and loneliness. Even for Christians. Share on X
Maybe it’s time we let others see that Christians suffer too.
Christians Suffer
I love the Lord. I am in Scripture everyday. I talk to God often. But sometimes I struggle. What follows is one of my recent journal entries where the brokenness weighed me down:
“Oh Lord, the day weighs heavy! What should be happy brings tears anew. My heart hurts; sadness descends. Why? I’m uncertain, but it assaults in waves.
Joy pokes and prods to surface, but the weightiness of despair pushes it back under.
Yet, You Lord are there—always faithful, always loving. You are my hope when my spirit grows weary. Praise will be on my lips even as tears slide down my cheeks.
Lord, I can’t do this, what you ask of me. It is so hard and so lonely. I’m not sure I can carry this cross.
But then, I’m not alone, am I?
The image of You stumbling, crawling, clawing Your way up the hill carrying Your own impossible cross comes to my mind. Agony ripping through Your flesh.
And then the worst—the complete separation from Your Father—utterly alone!
You did it. You endured it. All for me!
I can’t carry this cross … but I don’t have to, do I? For You carried it for me.
In You I trust Lord, even through my tears.
Where else is there any hope?
Hope … only in Your undying love!”
In You I trust Lord, even through my tears. Where else is there any hope? Hope … only in Your undying love!” Share on X
Let Others See
Some days I experience the most peaceful, serene, lovely day and my heart sings. But there are other days that are drag-down ugly and groanings are all I can muster.
I used to hide my pain. I still like to. But maybe that’s more harmful than we realize.
We need to let others see it’s real and okay for Christians to feel the effects of a world steeped in sin.
We need to let others see it's real and okay for Christians to feel the effects of a world steeped in sin. Share on X
We don’t have to always have it all together or always feel happy. And we certainly won’t always get what we want.
I love King David’s Psalms for their authenticity and the undying trust David demonstrated in them. He had deep sorrow and despair, yet intermingled with David’s groanings was the certainty of his hope and praise for his God.
Suffering With Hope
The difference is the way we suffer.
Christians suffer. We still grieve and struggle, but we grieve and struggle with hope and trust in our God. That is the difference we have as children of God.
As Christians, we still grieve and struggle, but we grieve and struggle with hope and trust in our God. Share on X
The Lord loves us so much. He is always faithful. We can always have hope, even when the weight of the world seems to rest on our shoulders.
So when you are sad, let another see it. Don’t live behind a mask. Other Christians need to see that suffering, deep-down heart-wrenching suffering, is just as real for them as for unbelievers.
But through the blood of Christ, we can stumble, crawl, and claw our way through the reality of a broken world with unwavering hope and a resilient peace from a faith that knows His light always pushes out the darkness.
Through the blood of Christ, we can stumble our way thru the reality of a broken world with unwavering hope. Share on X
As Christians we need to let others see our suffering and our hope.
We cry …
“Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?” Psalm 42:11a
And we praise …
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:11b
Reflections: As a Christian, do you hesitate to let others see your struggles, your sorrow and heartache? How might that give them a false impression of the Christian life?
My third 4-year blogging anniversary giveaway is a lovely NCV version of the Bible for teen girls. It’s a Revolve Signature Series leathersoft edition in raspberry. Enter to win it for yourself or for a young lady dear to your heart! (Click on the photo if you’d like to purchase a copy.)
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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New Book, Just Released!

I’m expecting my 1st grand-daughter in November & would love to have this to present to her when she gets older. It’s so pretty!
It is pretty, Linda! Thanks for entering.
I don’t have any girls close to me. I know whoever receives this Bible will treasure it.