4 Ways God Helps Us Stand Strong in His Hard Requests

Trusting God should not be based on what He’s asking; it is an act of faith regardless of the ask.
Trusting God should not be based on what He's asking; it is an act of faith regardless of the ask. #eventhen Share on X
A month ago I wrote about the importance of stepping out in faith and mentioned the seemingly rock-solid faith of Abraham.
The old patriarch didn’t appear to bat an eye when the Lord requested he sacrifice his son, Isaac (Genesis 22). I can’t imagine it. His faith astounds me. If Abraham was willing to give up his son, there’s nothing he wouldn’t surrender.
I hate to admit it, but I struggle to have that kind of faith. I tend to hold certain things in my life a little too tightly. My people, my stuff, my position. I’m willing to let go of some things, just not that please. I’m willing to say yes to certain things, just not that hard one.
Unlike Abraham, I pull my child a little closer. I hesitate a little longer when it comes to some of God’s requests. I ask lots more questions. And I cling tighter to my plan.
However, nothing in our lives should be off limits with God. He created us, saved us, and commissioned us. We’re His. How we live out our faith should reflect that truth.
Nothing in our lives should be off limits with God. He created us, saved us, and commissioned us. We're His. How we live our faith should reflect that truth. Share on X
A Stand Strong, In-the-Trenches Kind of Faith
This past year we built a house. During the excavation of the foundation, a man stood in the hole with a grade rod (a tall, yard stick–looking tool) to determine proper elevation while the backhoe operator dug. I watched in amazement. The grade-rod man stood his ground as the imposing backhoe scoop came within inches of him.
The grade-rod man trusted the backhoe operator literally with his life. That’s faith! And it caused me to pause and consider:
Do I have that kind of faith in the Lord? Do I trust God with my very life? Will I stand on His promises in the trenches of life?
That, my friends, is a hard ask. And God knows it. So He helps us learn to stand strong in several ways with:
- the help of the Holy Spirit,
- the reassurances of Scripture,
- the encouragement and guidance of those more mature in faith, and
- the evidence of His faithfulness along the way.
1. The Holy Spirit
When Jesus ascended to heaven after His death and resurrection from the dead, He knew His disciples would need empowerment and guidance to remain strong and faithful, so He sent the Holy Spirit. “I am going to send you what my Father has promised” (Luke 24:49a).
As fellow believers, we have the Holy Spirit as well. He gives us knowledge and understanding of God. He guides and convicts us. And He strengthens and empowers us.
The Holy Spirit enables us to trust God in the trenches. Let Him work in your life.
The Holy Spirit enables us to trust God in the trenches. Let Him work in your life. Share on X
2. God’s Reassurances
The Lord filled the pages of Scripture with evidence of His faithfulness. He proved faithful when He protected Adam and Eve by kicking them out of the garden so they wouldn’t live forever as sinful beings. He demonstrated His faithfulness in His care for Israel, despite their constant disobedience. And God provided every reason to trust Him when He gave up His only Son to save us from our sins.
As we read the Word, we’re reminded of God’s care for His children since the creation of the world. And that care continues today.
As we read the Word, we're reminded of God's care for His children since the creation of the world. And that care continues today. Share on X
3. Guidance and Encouragement of Others
The Lord made us relational beings. He knew we’d need mentors, teachers, and encouragers to help us walk faithfully in this broken world. More mature Christians, those who have walked with the Lord longer and have seen repeated evidence of His faithfulness, serve as those people for us. And believe it or not, you are that person for someone else.
Guidance and encouragement from others can help alleviate loneliness in difficult situations and provide perspective. Seek out those people.
Guidance and encouragement from others can help alleviate loneliness in difficult situations and provide perspective. Seek out those people. Share on X
4. Evidence of God’s Faithfulness
At the end of the day, I often share on social media three gifts of the day. I do that to help me remember God’s faithfulness. The Lord always provides gifts, no matter how unassuming they are. Counting them helps them stay memorable.
This evidence compounded reveals a pattern of faithfulness and leads us to increased trust in our Lord. When we remember God’s faithfulness in one area, it becomes easier to trust Him in the next. And eventually we can let go of more and more of our life. We can give up more and more control. We can come closer to surrendering our very lives.
When we remember God's faithfulness in one area, it becomes easier to trust Him in the next. We learn to stand strong in our faith. Share on X
Stand Strong in The Hard Ask
Although the scriptural account of Abraham offering up his son doesn’t show any angst or hesitation on the father’s part, it had to be excruciating for him. It was a hard ask.
But the patriarch obeyed because he trusted God to fulfill his promises. He even believed the Lord to be able to even raise his son from the dead (Hebrews 11:19).
So what about you and me? Do we believe what we profess? Do we trust God who promises to watch over us, to care for us, to provide for us? Do we stand strong in the trenches of life?
As we lean on the Holy Spirit, remind ourselves of His promises in the Word, listen to mentors and teachers who have gone ahead of us, and note the daily gifts of the Lord, we’ll become stronger in our faith. And when we do, we’ll begin to surrender our will with little regard to how hard the ask is.
We’ll be cultivating an “in-the-trenches” kind of faith.
As we grow stronger in our faith, we'll begin to surrender our will with little regard to how hard the ask is. We'll be cultivating an 'in-the-trenches' kind of faith. #eventhen Share on X
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Reflections: What has helped you cultivate an “in-the-trenches” kind of faith that allows you to stand strong in the hard ask? What area of your life is the most difficult for you to surrender? Which of the four tools from God resonates with you?
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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