When Good Things Become Too Important

Memorization exercises are filed here and there on my desk and in my Bible. Inspirational quotes and pictures as well as encouragement to think differently and pray harder cover multiple surfaces. Christian books are stuffed (overstuffed) on the shelves.
Then there’s the “Printable” file and more specific seasonal Bible studies and images. And of course lists of possible conferences and concerts to attend.
Whenever I come across something that promises to strengthen my walk of faith, I grab it like a lifeline. Bursting files and toppling piles; good material, helpful material, yet I’d be hard pressed to get to all I’ve gathered even if I lived for another century.
Yet I accumulate more. Have you experienced this same obsession? Do you too, grab every piece of Christian encouragement that comes your way?
In my town we have an ongoing “garage sale” where the proceeds go to a year-round camp for those with intellectual disabilities. The amount of Christian books and other “items” for sale is amazing! Apparently many others also acquire lots of “encouragement” they later replace with another “lot.”
Absolutely, Scripture memorization is important. Reminders of our faith are uplifting. Christian reading is good practice. But what are we demonstrating by our frantic accumulation of Christian “things”?
It seems we are looking for something, anything that will put to rest our daily frustrations—that will perhaps make following Jesus hassle-free. Almost like we are looking for our salvation in a certain book or plaque.
There’s a place for Christian resources. They serve a purpose to bolster us in our faith and present ideas for Christian living.
But are we holding onto them too tightly? Are we ascribing to some “things”—even Christian things—a power that is only found in the One?
It seems I might me cluttering up that which is of true importance with those other things. Am I losing sight of the cross because of the height of my collected stuff? Is the Savior’s beautiful gift of His blood shed for my salvation being covered up by other good things?
Prior to clicking Submit Order on my recent purchase of two Christmas/Advent books, I first examined my motives. Am I looking for replacements for God’s Word, prayer, quiet time with the Lord, and assurance through Jesus? Or am I merely looking for tools to enhance the former—to point me to those Holy gifts?
Christian books, encouraging words, and inspiring images are wonderful blessings to support us in our day to day lives. But when created things begin to crowd out the Creator Himself, it is time to clean house and heart. When the One who gives life is no longer visible because of the spoils of that life, it is time to release them.
When created things begin to crowd out the Creator Himself, it is time to clean house and heart. Share on X
Dear Lord,
I pray that my heart is open first and foremost to You.
That You occupy the throne in my life.
Thank You for the generous gifts of Christian encouragement for my daily life.
Help me to keep them in proper perspective.
Help me to assign them only the power they are due.
Abba Father, please keep me from leaning on things for my strength and security.
Let me find that only in You.
In the precious name of Jesus, the only source of salvation.
Delight in the Lord. He is enough. Everything else is just fringe.
Delight in the Lord. He is enough. Everything else is just fringe. Share on X
And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15)
Reflections: Are you an accumulator of Christian resources? Do you find yourself putting your hope in the things that point to Jesus instead of Jesus Christ Himself?
Linking with Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience in 2013 with my Joy Dare list for Multitude Mondays (#2082–2102, read the entire list by clicking here):
- Attending a prayer mtg w/ college students; Time w/ my college & h.s. boys; Safely navigating the Chicago interstates
- No more toll roads for the rest of the trip!; Seeing Christ glorified on college campuses; Sweet friend’s hospitality
- Successful college trip; College chapel at CUW; Few minutes to enjoy view of lovely Lake Michigan
- Joey’s excitement for his 1st football game of the season; Windows-open night; This little critter
- Participating in an Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ praise & worship time; Fellowship; My senior still asking for help
- Afternoon of sharing truth of salvation w/ neighbors; My boys willingness to share their faith; Joey’s new hobby-guitar
- Harvest of plump raspberries; Great wkend of Christian fellowship; This little one-antenna critter
Also linking with this wonderful site:
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Such a good reminder for me today. Thanks!
I’m glad you found in helpful, Alicia. Blessings.
What a great post … I think our human nature is such that we crave comfort and a hassle-free existence. But Jesus never promised that! And it wouldn’t be good for us anyway. We grow from the hassles and difficulties. Awesome discussion of this topic!
So true! I can’t pinpoint one time when I’ve grown much from peaceful circumstances, but boy the lessons I’ve learned and the stretching I’ve experienced from struggles and challenges! Thanks for popping in.