Where God Calls, He Provides (She Speaks 2012)

650 ladies gather together for a single cause: to follow God’s calling in their lives.
650 ladies scan the crowd, wondering if there is a place for their voice in this sea of voices.This is the She Speaks conference. Specifically, this is a tiny glimpse into the opening of She Speaks 2012.
I was one of those 650 women. And I no longer wonder whether I have a place to share my voice. I know I do.
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She Speaks
I attended She Speaks with the intention of securing important writing/authoring advice and tools and for the opportunity to pitch my first book to publishers face to face. This was my first writer’s conference, declaring I’m serious about this crazy thing called writing.
Boy was I in for a surprise! I couldn’t have picked a better conference, but it wasn’t just for the great writing tips I received or the many friends I made. There were plenty of both.
And, although extremely refreshing and inspiring, it wasn’t just that the name of the Lord was glorified and praised throughout each and every session.
She Speaks blessed me so powerfully because it infused my questioning heart with the confidence that indeed there is room for me in the writing/speaking world—if God is calling me to that vocation.
Own It
A fellow Iowan I befriended at the conference, who blogs at Titus24U, shared her take on the “one thing” she took away from this jam-packed conference: The need to “Own it.”
Own her calling, own her sin, own her identity, own her mistakes, own her gifts. (Read the entirety of her wonderful post by clicking here). Those two words struck home with me too.
In fact, the one thing I can’t shake from this conference is a spin off of owning my calling. It is the truth that God has a plan in calling me. I may not know the outcome, but He knows right where He wants me.
Many of us sitting in the Embassy Suites conference room that Friday afternoon felt insecure in our calling. In some ways, we were unsure why we came.
Something whispered “come,” and we did. We thought it was God, but maybe it was simply our own desires speaking.
And as we heard speakers and visited with each other throughout the conference, uncertainty only grew for some, including me. All these women basically came for the same reason: to learn to better minister through the written and spoken word.
What made me feel I could join in this ministry?
Was my message as important or compelling as the others?
Who am I to think I can encourage others when there are so many who’ve been through more heartaches and triumphed over more trials, who are more spiritual, more organized, and have a more eloquent way with words?
What am I thinking?
Emerging Truth
However, as I continued to sit in sessions and meet with publishers and make new friends and spend time in the prayer room, a truth began to emerge. It was a nugget shared by many of the fabulous presenters throughout the conference. It floated, dangling in the air, waiting for me to snatch it.
Finally, after hearing the same theme more than a half-dozen times, I hesitantly reached up and grabbed hold. I snagged the truth that each of us attending this conference—and each of you who didn’t but feel His call nevertheless—have a secure spot in God’s plan because …
… Where God Calls, He Provides!
Each of us has a secure spot in God's plan. Share on X
The Lord isn’t going to call you into a ministry only to say “Sorry, there are too many of you now.” or “Oops, I made a mistake, you aren’t qualified enough after all.”
If you feel called to write, write. If you feel called to speak, speak. If you feel called to teach, teach. If you feel called to serve, serve.
Your ministry may not look exactly how you think it should. After all, everyone can’t be national speakers and best-selling authors. And it may not be full time work.
Perhaps He has a small group in mind who needs to hear your message. Maybe there is one person or a dozen or even a hundred who desperately need to hear your words, to be lifted up by your experiences.
A Place for You
But the Lord of the universe does have a place for uniquely you.
The Lord of the universe has a place for uniquely you. Share on X
So let me encourage you not to compare yourself to others or question your importance in the Kingdom of God. Instead, listen to His still small voice guiding you, and use your gifts as He directs. Serve who He calls you to.
Step out in faith, obediently filling your place in the Lord’s plan. Because He will provide for those He calls.
God is faithful to provide for those He calls. Trust Him in your calling, whatever that looks like. Share on X
“God in his kindness gave each of us different gifts. If your gift is speaking God’s word, make sure what you say agrees with the Christian faith. If your gift is serving, then devote yourself to serving. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching. If it is encouraging others, devote yourself to giving encouragement. If it is sharing, be generous. If it is leadership, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping people in need, help them cheerfully” (Romans 12:6–8 Gods WORD).
Reflections: How has God gifted and called you? Are you being obedient to that calling? How can I encourage you?
Adding two weeks of Joy Dare entries: #841–884 (see all my One Thousand [or more] Gifts posts here).
- Vacation with family; Sweet people willing to provide love and fun for Rachel; Mosquitos
- Prepared to be sans electronics for 7 days; Found campsite before too late; Increadible weather for BWCA
- Tiny orange-glowing flower; Bug spray; Peaceful, distraction-free environment; Fresh fish–all we could eat
- Cool little snails; Safely thru thunderstorm to an awesome campsite; dry tents, sleep pads, and bags
- Endless blue skies; Swimming in cool, pristine lake; Watching huge snapping turtle steal & eat our walleye
- Penetrating soul-soothing solitude; Extra camera battery works; Exploring gorgeous wild lands and lakes
- Gorgeous bright double rainbow; Beat the rain to our campsite; Brilliant 3/4 moon; Family time
- My waterproof, shockproof camera; Travel Bible; Being scolded by a red squirrel
- Amazing sunrises; First real shower in 8 days; Back rests
- Safely home after a 9-hour drive; Reunited with Rachel!; Sacrifices of my mom and dad
- Great postsurgery report for Rach from dentistry; Milk in the house; Joey’s excitement about football camp
- First time I ran any distance in 6 months (2 mins worth); Basic laundry caught up; Corresponding w/ new&old friends
- Fresh zucchini muffins; Olympic champions giving God the glory; Tree full of plums
- Visiting w/ extended family at annual reunion; Absolutely perfect weather for an outdoor event; Summer Olympics
- God’s provisions in our calling
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Great post. I did a similar post. I realized I learned so much. 🙂
Great post. I did a similar post. I realized I took away so much that I needed to capture it. 🙂
Thanks, Dana. She Speaks is so full, it takes some time to process take-away points. My time away on vacation helped somewhat, but now I feel a little behind (as if there is a schedule to keep). Love your Sister to Sister idea! Blessings.
Such truth in this post Julie! I pray you keep walking in confidence as He uses you in mighty ways! Keep sharing your words…they along with your honesty encourage me!! See you on Saturday!! ~ Jill
Thanks, Jill, for your encouragement and prayers! I’m looking forward to the ReNEWed Life Women’s Event.
Love this!! Preach, Sister. 🙂
Thanks, Rachel! Only following in your shoes. Enjoy a blessed week, my friend.
Great job Julie. I am glad that you had a wonderful trip both to She Speaks and then your vacation.
Thanks, Dawn. She Speaks seems so long ago now. I’m grateful we were roomies. Hope you’re feeling better. Blessings.
[…] I attended the conference in 2012 and had an amazing time, learning tons, being incredibly encouraged, and meeting wonderful people. (Read my takeaway from that conference in this post.) […]
[…] years ago I attended the same conference, and came away informed and emboldened (read about it here). Yet now, as then, I am tempted to worry about many […]
[…] years ago I attended the same conference, and came away informed and emboldened (read about it here). Yet now, as then, I am tempted to worry about many […]