A Critically Important Assignment for Everyday: to Savor (Printable)

Learning to savor each day can be life changing.
The life of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and wife can often be crazy busy or mundane (sometimes both at the same time). The days often mirror each other in their “dailiness.”
I’ve experienced this first-hand as a SAHM and a WAHM for more than 20 years.
Life in the workforce can also be filled with tedium, frustrations, and burnout. I’ve seen this as I’ve walked alongside my husband for most of his nearly 30 years in the same line of work.
And there are other days, we’d just as soon forget existed.
God’s Grace in Each Day
As we travel on our life journey, we can easily lose touch with the gifts found in each day. Yet gratitude is a key component to living a life of joy and contentment.
Gratitude is a key component to living a life of joy and contentment. Share on X
Learning to notice God’s grace that covers each mundane task, redeems the difficult times, and provides hope for each day is essential if we are to live a God-glorifying life.
Just think, every morning we hold a treasure of opportunities at our fingertips: the opportunity to make connections, be encouraged and encourage others, share the Gospel, discover the richness of this world and how we fit in, share the grace we’ve received, experience great beauty, grow in our spiritual understanding, draw nearer to the Lord, gather wisdom and discernment, serve, love, and the list goes on.
Yet it’s far too easy to get caught up in the dailiness, burdens, and demands of our lives. We become content with wearing blinders—focusing only on what needs to be done—instead of appreciating the unique flavor of the day’s offerings.
God sprinkles spice throughout our days; we need to be intentional about tasting the fullness of each one, even if it’s not a favorite flavor.
We need to be intentional about tasting the fullness of each day, even if it's not a favorite flavor. Share on X
Essential for a Christian
When I chose the word savor as my one word at the beginning of the year, I thought it was optional, a nice perk, to living well. Yet as I’ve reflected on its meaning, I came to realize it’s essential for a Christian.
As a reminder to receive the gifts God provides in each day, I’ve created several iterations of a “Savor” word cloud to download, print, and post where you will regularly see it. Feel free to save and share each word cloud. (They’re free, just click on each one.)
It’s important we learn to savor the work of the Lord in our days. Only then can we truly embrace His grace and live a life of gratitude.
Savor Printables
I pray the various “Savor” synonyms will help you focus on glorifying our Savior every day.
“Therefore, receiving, as we now do, a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us cherish thankfulness so that we may ever offer to God an acceptable service, with godly reverence and awe.” (Hebrews 12:28 WEY)
Your Turn
Reflection: How do you avoid the dreaded dailiness fog, or how do you rise above the frustrations and difficulties that are sure to occur, to savor each day?
Counting Gifts
Although it seems Ann is no longer offering her Multitude Mondays linkup (although her Joy Dare continues), I will continue to post my 1000-gift list on Monday because it seems a great day for it and because … well … I just can’t quit. (Just between you and me, it helps me in the savor department.)
Since beginning nearly 3 years ago, I’ve counted over 3,000 gifts!! What a blessing! So here we go: #3115–3135, read the entire list by clicking here.
- Fun afternoon with Daniel before he returns to college tomorrow; Laughing so hard I cried while playing Dutch Blitz with family–what a fun game; Baking quick breads and bars to go with my guys
- DQ Blizzard followed by a bike ride–zero calories that way, correct?; Apple trees overflowing with fruit in our backyard; Daniel’s safe return to Hillsdale College
- Getting Rach’s Leappad filled with music she loves; Zach’s things packed in the van to help him get settled at college after his freshmen retreat; Successful first day of school for Joey and Rachel
- Rain stopping just in time to move Zach into his dorm; Traveling with Mom and Dad; Swimming with Joey and Rach at the hotel pool – Joey’s such a good little brother
- Meeting Zach’s very nice California roommate and his parents; My parents’ willingness to help out with the kids so I can attend all of orientation; Reassuring message at orientation opening
- Few late-night minutes reconnecting with a long-distance friend before heading home; Safe arrival home; Peace in believing the boys are where God wants them
- Fellowshipping at church with other moms who are launching their college boys; Raspberry smoothie and cheeseball supper; Flitting butterflies
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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