Praising God comes easy during life’s grand moments.
Yet we tend to forget all about esteeming Him in the difficult ones when it can most benefit us.
Everyday Praise is available in Paperback and Kindle editions now!
- Explore the possibility of praising God in even the most difficult circumstances
- Develop a practice of daily devotion to God.
We were created for praise! Cultivate the practice of glorifying God daily. Let your heart find rest in the shelter of God’s goodness.

Here’s an example of the beautiful full-color scripture images you can expect with each devotion:

Features of Everyday Praise
To propel us along in daily praise, Everyday Praise features:
- full-color scripture images,
- inspiring messages about the awesomeness of God, the blessings of worship, and the
- finer nuances of praise in a messy world,
- a reflections section to draw us deeper in our worship, and
- a prayer of praise.
To preview 5 of the devotions; sign up below:
Bonus: Free Journal!
To help you along on your journey toward daily praise and greater peace, I’ve created a free resource, the Everyday Praise Companion Journal. It’s available as a PDF digital document.companion journal
Download this simple yet delightful journal, print it out, and use it to record your thoughts as you go through the 31 devotions. Or employ it as your stand-alone journal.
Each journal page corresponds to a devotion in the book and features:
- one-sentence thought to remember,
- small Scripture image,
- reflection questions,
- journaling lines,
- and a short Scripture passage.

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Social Media Sharing
Pick and choose from the following quotes to share on social media or create your own. Please use the hashtag #EverydayPraise for all devotional-related posts. Also, feel free to tag me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with @JulieSunne1.
Peace is not found in the absence of trials; it’s found by drawing near to God in the midst of those trials. Begin walking closer to Him today. #EverydayPraise
“Praising God is the way over any mountain, through any swamp, and across any valley.” Begin the journey today! #EverydayPraise
“In living a life of praise, we discover a peace that defies circumstances. What a glorious way to live!” #EverydayPraise #devotional
Sometimes it’s not easy to praise God, but it’s necessary: Praise is the sweetener for our hearts. #EverydayPraise
“The greatest offering is a heart sold out to God.” #EverydayPraise #devotional
Live anxiously, informed by circumstances, or live expectantly, informed by God’s faithfulness. #EverydayPraise
God’s sovereign will is not always what we would choose, but it doesn’t change the truth of His love for us. #EverydayPraise
When we reflect on the goodness of the Lord, it brings our daily challenges into perspective. #EverydayPraise
“Song, as a form of worship, realigns our hearts and minds with God’s.” Sing a new song (or old hymn) to Him today. #EverydayPraise
Develop a mindset of praise! God deserves it and we need it. Get the #EverydayPraise devotional.
“Praise isn’t optional; it’s essential for the faithful to remain faith-filled.” #EverydayPraise devotional
Don’t believe you have much to give? Through God’s power and grace, your life can become sold out, surrendered to Him in worship. That’s the best offering ever. #EverydayPraise
“The key to everyday praise lies in remembering God’s blessings.”
Our life journeys showcase a masterpiece of design; the twists and turns adding to its beauty. #EverydayPraise