Experience the Joy and Peace of Prayer (even when you don’t know what to say or how to say it)

Gold Brush Stroke

Prayer is a critical practice in a Christian’s life, an effective and powerful means of engaging with our Creator. 

Prayer is a critical practice in a Christian's life, an effective and powerful means of engaging with our Creator. #prayer Share on X

When we don’t know what Rachel is trying to say, we ask her to use her “device.” It’s an iPad that has special communication software installed on it. She shies away from using it, but it’s often the only way we can really know what she means. 

Thankfully, we don’t have to do that with God. Although He invites us to converse with Him — for His pleasure but more so for our benefit — He already knows what we want. Even when it’s only groanings that escape our lips, the Lord understands. 

prayer is critical for a Christian

Importance of Prayer

If God is always aware of what we need before we need it and what we want before we ask, why pray? 

First, prayer is far more than expressing our desires and needs, although that is an important part. Prayer offers an enhanced level of intimacy with our Lord. We don’t need another intercessory. We already have Jesus who bridged the way to the Father. 

Adam and Eve spoke to God directly in the Garden of Eden. There is no possible way we can fathom what that must have been like! To walk in the cool of the day chatting with the Creator of heaven and earth … of us. Then they sinned, and such intimate fellowship ended. 

However, because of the Savior, we have received a form of that communication back. We can experience a relationship with the Lord. Through His Word and through prayer we can talk to and hear from Him. 

Second, prayer expresses our faith in and to our Lord. It glorifies Him as we thank and praise Him. 

Third, prayer sets our hearts and minds on the things that matter, it helps us become eternity minded. It humbles us and keeps our focus on Him whatever hardships we face or blessings we receive. 

Don’t relegate prayer to last place in your life! It makes a difference.

Prayer enhances our intimacy with God, expresses our faith in and to our Lord, and sets our hearts and minds on the things that matter, keeping us eternity minded. Prayer makes a difference. Share on X

How To Pray

Prayer is a lovely and powerful practice. It is incredibly important for a Christian to do and exceedingly easy as well (despite our misgivings about beginning). In a nutshell, prayer is simply communicating with God. 

Prayer is a lovely and powerful practice. It is incredibly important for a Christian to do and exceedingly easy as well (despite our misgivings about beginning). In a nutshell, prayer is simply communicating with God. Share on X

So open your mind, your heart, your lips: share what matters to you. Thank and praise Him. Invite Him into your life. Voice your concerns and those things that bring you joy. Share them with your Creator. 

Don’t worry if you don’t have the “right” words as if there’s a magic formula. There isn’t. The Lord’s prayer is a model, guidelines for us, but by no means the only way one should pray (Matthew 6:9).

Don’t worry if you stutter or stumble over your words. Remember, Rachel’s device I mentioned previously? God doesn’t need one. He knows what your trying to say (Matthew 6:8). 

Don’t worry if no words at all will come. It’s enough that you direct your thoughts and heart toward Him. The Holy Spirit is interpreting for you (Romans 8:26).

So by all means, pray. Often. Don’t be concerned about sounding elegant or cultured or even clear in meaning. He understands.

Simply visit with the One who made you in His image. Focus on God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and let Him fill you with joy and peace.

Pray. Often. Visit with the One who made you in His image. Focus on God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and let Him fill you with joy and peace. Share on X

“Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18 CSB

Reflections: Are you concerned that you don’t know how to pray? that you don’t pray the “right” way? that you don’t know what to say? Think of praying to God as simply a conversation, a sharing of Your cares, concerns and thanksgivings, and start praying today — everyday and often. 


By His Grace,


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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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