Find Hope Through Daily Bible Reading: 3 Things to Consider

The desperation I felt that afternoon seared deep into my young mind, guaranteeing I’d never forget the event. It was about far more than my brother running away: he never made it very far, and I knew he never would.
But in that moment, my perception of a secure world began to unravel.
For the first time I began to understand that neither I nor my parents could make everything alright. There was a far bigger world than the safe haven where I grew up, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t control it.
It’s amazing how such a seemingly minor thing can make such a big impression. And I needed a bigger solution to help me cope.
In my anxiety and confusion, I did the unexpected: For the first time, I opened a Bible and began to read. Oh, I had attended church all my life, but this is the first time I sought out the Holy Bible.
With little conscious understanding of what God’s Word could do for me, deep inside I knew I needed it. I needed a closer relationship with the Lord.
Deep inside we all have a need only God can fill.
Deep inside we all have a need only God can fill. Share on X
Quick Fixes Versus Hope Against Hope
So often we want a quick fix to our problems, a big burst of healing ointment, with an even bigger band-aid. But really, “fixes” seldom happen that way.
We want instant answers, God offers Himself as a solution. The Lord’s a forever answer, but His fix doesn’t always provide relief from our circumstances.
He calls us to abide in Him. Know Him through His Word. Absorb His love letter.
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
Then we will truly have hope, despite and in spite of our circumstances.
The Lord’s a forever answer, but His fix doesn’t always provide relief from our circumstances. He calls us to abide in Him. Know Him through His Word. Absorb His love letter. Then we will truly have hope, despite and in spite of our circumstances. Share on X
The Nuts and Bolts of Daily Bible Reading
Since the Bible is living and active, we could read it constantly and receive something new each time. God will speak through His Word.
Yes, God speaks, we just need to be there to catch His words.
However, deciding to be in the Word daily is only half the battle. Next you have to decide how you want to “read” it.
Audio Bibles are becoming more popular; the portability of digital Bibles (ebooks) make them an ideal choice for travelers; and the age-old stand-by, hold-in-your-hand, turn-the-rustling-pages, print edition of the Bible is hard to beat.
The hard copy is my first choice for getting into the Word. I have a large study Bible I use daily and a small travel Bible I take to church and on the road.
Once you decide how to consume it, then the question turns to which version you prefer. There are more than 50 different versions of the Bible in English alone. Yikes!
New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), and Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) are the ones I’m most familiar with. I use HCSB most often. You can explore the many Bible versions on websites such as Bible Hub and Bible Gateway. I use both frequently.
Finally, you need to determine how quickly you want to go through the Bible. As I said in my overview post last Monday, Bible reading plans abound.
This post from Ligonier Ministries is a treasure for Bible readers, presenting links to more than a dozen reading plans. And Rachel Wojnarowski has some wonderful advice on being in the Word on her site She even has a special reading plan for children.
This year I’m joining Joni Earickson Tada, from Joni and Friends, and her husband in reading chronologically through the Bible.
However, some years, I’ve just wanted to concentrate on a few verses each day instead of trying to get through the entire Bible in a year. Don’t let someone else tell you there is only one right way to do daily readings.
The details of your daily Bible reading aren’t nearly as important as the practice of doing it.
The details of your daily Bible reading aren't nearly as important as the practice of doing it. Share on X
Decide today to abide with God.
To draw near to Him in His Word.
To find hope.
“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4
Reflection: Do you read your Bible daily? Why or why not? If so, what are the details of your reading plan; what is your favorite Bible version, and how do you prefer to be in the Word, digitally, by audio, or in hard print?
And I’m excited to begin another year recording blessings. Since beginning over 3 years ago, I’ve counted more than 3,500 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! So here we go in 2015: #3576–3596, read my entire list by clicking here.
- Many squirrels at play in the snow; Being there to comfort my daughter during the painful moments; Encouragement at the close of a tough day
- Hints of softness in the middle of the hard; Eating vegetables in January from my August harvest; Stepping out for a few moments of fresh air
- Health of my parents; Ability to laugh at myself over spilled gas; Legacy of love left by my aunt
- Blessing of a large extended family; A sister’s perspective; Rachel-plastered kisses all over my face
- Easy, short ultrasound–makes for a happy little girl (and mama); Earning enough money to have to pay income taxes; Abundance of food in my refrigerator
- Answer to pray for a cousin’s health; Long hike through the timber with hubby and Joey; Resting in the grandeur of these lofty pines
- Worshiping in the safety of our home–not the same but nice alternative; Exhilarating walk in the snowstorm; Super Bowl Sunday snacks
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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It is the word that transforms us and renews our mind. Our circumstances may not change but we do.
So true, Jon, and so important to realize. We don’t need different circumstances; we need a transformation and renewal.
This year I am using complex devotional book that has passages from the Psalms to be read each day of each week. The book is divided into five sections, throughout these five sections are a total of 52 weekly topics that have different scriptures–one a day. The daily scriptures are in addition to reading the weekly passage from the Psalms . Each chapter then has selections for meditation pertaining to the topic of that week.
It’s important to find resources that work for you, Cecelia. Sounds like you did.