It May Be Time To Shift Your Focus: 5 Questions To Ask

It’s a struggle I’ve had since my early years.
He makes a mistake. I wonder what I didn’t do.
She misbehaves. I question what I should have done.
Our family struggles. I wonder what I missed doing.
I expect to make it all better and become frustrated when I can’t.
See the pattern? Me, me, me.
Me Focus
My focus is on me, and what I can do, will do, have done.
And when that’s my focus, I’m doomed. Because I can’t do it. I can’t ever do or be enough. But that’s where faith and hope enter:
I can’t, but God can.
I’m not sure what to do next, but God is.
I fall, but God picks me up.
I am weak, but God is strong.
I have nothing to offer, but God has everything.
When my focus is on me, I'm doomed: I have nothing to offer, but God has everything. Share on X
God Focus
God can and does do great things everyday through me and you. We just may not see them as great.
He grows little boys into men of integrity; little girls into compassionate women.
He takes little acts of kindness and compounds them to have significant impact. He uses piles of laundry, scraped knees, and hurt feelings to mold broken vases into usable vessels.
He reaches through our fear, restlessness, and pain and brings restoration and meaning. Through our messy lives, the Lord creates lasting testimonies, such as faithfulness, mercy, and love.
We just have to do our little part. The problem lies in thinking we can or should do it all on our own.
Through our messy lives, God creates lasting testimonies. We just have to do our little part. Share on X
Is It Time To Refocus?
When in our eyes we become bigger and God shrinks, it’s time to shift focus from self to God. (It’s an ongoing process.)
Ask yourself
- Am I overly agitated or despondent about how the day is rolling out?
- Am I thinking through and researching decisions before going to God with them?
- Am I burdened to solve mine and everyone else’s problems?
- Am I overwhelmed?
- Am I skipping daily time with God to do things for Him?
If you answer yes to all or most of the above questions, you need to refocus. Seek the help of the Holy Spirit in shifting your eyes off you and onto the One who has the master plan.
After all, most of our lives are pretty pitiful when looked at from a focus of what we’ve done or can do. But what a magnificent testimony when looked at from the perspective of the Lord’s accomplishments!
From a focus on me, my life is pretty pitiful, but what a magnificent testimony when viewed from a focus on God. Share on X
“He replied, ‘What is impossible with men is possible with God.’” Luke 18:27
Reflections: Based on your answers to the above questions, do you need to shift your focus? What little part is the Lord asking you to do?
I’m excited to continue recording blessings this year. Since beginning over 3 years ago, I’ve counted more than 3,500 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! So here we go in 2015: #3870–3890, read my entire list by clicking here.
- Joys of rain: Freshness of the morning-after a significant rain; Spring green hues pop after a rain; Falling asleep to the sound of a soaking rain
- A nearby steep hill for some quick exercise; Learning a nifty shortcut to meal preparation; Spring nighttime sounds
- Celebrating the colors and scents of Spring: Orioles are back!; Woodland carpet of yellow violets; My favorite-scented spring flower, lilacs, are just beginning to bloom
- Watching the storm roll in with Joey and Rach; Rachel’s priceless reaction to the storm, specifically the first drops of rain; My tulips opening
- Arriving safely at Wheaton through a near-monsoon; Able to attend a concert that included Zach singing with the Men’s Glee Club–fabulous event of praising God vocally and instrumentally; Hospitality of friends willing to put me up for the night
- Zach is home!; Joyous reunions; Fun, out-of-the-way eating establishment discoveries
- Worship and then an afternoon of family and fun; Call from my oldest; Wildflowers and a special rock, handpicked for me by my hubby
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Yes, from time to time, we have to refocus on our lives and regroup on what God tells us to do. I am learning this right now. God has allowed me to find peace amid a very painful (physically) time in my life.
I like that idea of regrouping, Cecelia. Sort of like an army would regroup behind its commander.