Of Death and Life (Expectations: God will act)

What’s not to appreciate about spring? Sun warmth covers the earth during the days while the night’s coolness provides refreshing rest.
New sprouts poke through an earth waking up from deep slumber. Buds unfurl, releasing their glorious colors to a renewed creation.
In our earthly life, we must wait through a frozen winter or for my southern friends, a parched desert, to experience the beauty of spring.
How splendid then, that we can experience spring in our spirits in any season: glorious fall, barren winter, refreshing spring, or arid summer.
Often we feel caught in the grip of death: death of dreams, death of loved ones, death of hope—the death of our spirit. But, my friends, God is in the business of life, of renewal.
Just look around. He brings beauty from barrenness. He showers us with colors galore and treasures unimaginable: gently flowing streams, cascading waterfalls, a babe’s cry, a friend’s hug, a refreshing breeze, splendid flowers.
God will fertilize and cultivate our souls in all seasons. Watering our parched spirits and bringing life where there was death.
God will care for our souls in all seasons. Watering our parched spirits and bringing life where there was death. Share on X
So, today, let’s walk in full expectation of life, and praise Him from whom it all flows!
Today, walk in full expectation of life, and praise the Lord from whom it all flows! Share on X
“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your descendents and My blessing on your offspring. They will sprout among the grass like poplars by the streambeds.” (Isaiah 44:3–4)
Reflections: Are you experiencing some form of death today? Have you placed your daily expectations in the life and renewal of Christ? How can I pray for you?
Joining the Five Minute Friday community to write freely and unedited for five minutes on the prompt: Expectation.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Thank you for this beautiful start to my busy day!
You’re welcome, Sue. Anytime.
Please pray for our family to make a connection with a church…this kind of fellowship is so important. Also, I will be leading a MOPS group and of course there are expectations and fear in the mix. SO please pray for me to settle into God’s will for me with trust and that I rest in His faithfulness. Have a great weekend.
Sounds like you have your plate full, Dionne! MOPS is a wonderful program. And it is so important to find a church home that preaches the true Gospel and provides fellowship. Lifting you up before our mighty and merciful God. May He bless you with comfort, peace and the confidence that comes with being in His will and guide you to a wonderful place of worship. Enjoy your weekend as well.
So much profound truth packed into 5 minutes!
Thanks, Linda! I’m thankful it touched you.
“In our earthly life we must wait through a frozen winter or for my southern friends, a parched desert, to experience the beauty of spring.” I’ve experienced this, as well. Praying for His comfort, and praising for His active nature. (Good five minutes!)
Prayer and praise–a dynamic duo! Blessings.