Believe in God’s Love for You (review of “66 Ways God Loves You”)

I’ve never heard my 18-year-old daughter say, “I love you.” Not with her own voice. She can’t. Her severe speech disability prevents that exchange.
It’d be delightful to hear those words from her. However, I never doubt her love for me. Not a day goes by that she does not express it in a tangible, meaningful way.
Looking for Love
We all want to hear those three little words. We all want to know we’re loved. It’s such a powerful desire, we often go to unhealthy extremes to feel it.
We try to earn it. We give into the wishes of others to receive their affection. We do all we can to be on its receiving end of love.
But live long in this world and know the pain of feeling unloved. Someone at sometime will let us down. They’ll reject our love and withhold their own.
God’s Love Never Ends
How much more beautiful then that God’s love for His children never ends. His abundant love stands steadfast for all eternity.
“The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” Psalm 103:8
We don’t have to earn it. He gives it freely as our Father.
God's abundant love stands steadfast for all eternity. Share on X
God’s Love in 66 Ways
Sometimes, though, circumstances make us doubt God’s love. After all, He doesn’t audibly voice it.
But as Author Jennifer Rothschild highlights for us in her new book, 66 Ways God Loves You, the Lord expresses His love for us in a large variety of ways. And He does it everyday.
This beautiful hardcover takes a love-walk through the Bible book by book. From Genesis to Revelation, Jennifer reveals God’s love for us succinctly and powerfully.
Often her gentle reminders of His devotion for us are displayed in a biblical personality. In 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, for example, she points to David’s life as reflective of God’s love for us in the form of anointing us with His Spirit and in providing us with a forever home.
Other times, she presents His love through the account of a biblical situation or circumstance. For instance, as shown in 2 Kings, the Israelites are recipients of God’s loving patience in their continual ignoring of and rebelling against His direction and commandments … and so are we!
God’s love appears more readily apparent in the New Testament. Yet, 66 Ways God Loves You, clearly lays out His tenderness for us throughout the Old Testament as well. Read any book of the Bible with an eye for God’s love, and it becomes undeniable.
Read any book of the Bible with an eye for God's love, and it becomes undeniable. Share on X
Take a walk through 66 Ways God Loves You and discover God’s love in the way He
- fashioned you with His hands (Genesis)
- delivers you from slavery (Exodus)
- grants you access to Him (Leviticus)
- shelters you in cities of refuge (Numbers)
- keeps His covenant of love with you to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy)
- gives you divine purpose (Joshua)
And 60 other ways!
Glasses To See
Jennifer Rothschild speaks to the cry of our hearts as she explores and exposes God’s love as steadfast and abounding. In the overload and unexpected happenings of life, it’s easy to grow blind to God’s delight for us.
This sweet little book gives us the glasses to see by sharing powerful little reminders like these:
“So pray, not because you feel powerful, but because your living God makes your prayer full of power!”
“That’s why God stepped into our history. He gave us meaning when He gave us Himself.”
“If God hasn’t prevented your suffering, look for His presence in your suffering. God may not save you from feeling the fire, but He will save you from enduring it alone.”
In the overload of life, it's easy to grow blind to God's delight for us. #66WaysGodLovesYou gives us glasses to see. Share on X
The brevity of the chapters and the thought-provoking takeaways presented for each one make 66 Ways God Love You a wonderful book for busy Christian women.
For those looking to dig deep into Scripture this may not be the read for you. However, anyone desiring to be encouraged in the Word and reminded of how much and in what ways God loves you, you’ve found a gem.
I appreciate the quick reminders of God’s presence with and love for me found in this book. There’s little I’d change about it. Although, I did keep finding myself wishing it had an attached ribbon book mark. With its beauty and appeal as a gift book, that would be a nice touch.
Never Doubt
We don’t actually hear the words, I love you, from God. But as with my daughter, His love is no less evident than if we did.
Experience the tangible and meaningful ways God loves you, so you don’t lose sight of it during even the most difficult times.
Learn more about how God loves you so you can better pour that love out to others.
Take this love-walk so you can redirect those who are looking for love in all those wrong places.
Explore these 66 ways God loves you and never doubt again whether you’re loved.
Explore these 66 ways God loves you and never doubt again whether you're loved. #66WaysGodLovesYou Share on X
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” 1 John 3:1
Reflections: Are there books of the Bible that you thought didn’t actually reflect God’s love? Which ones?
With the month of Thanksgiving upon us, I am tangibly expressing my thanks with weekly giveaways. Jennifer Rothschild’s delightful little book is the first. Follow the Rafflecopter prompts for chances to win.
It’s been more than 5 years of counting and I’ve well passed 5,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #5451–5471. Read my entire list by clicking here.
- *A day mixed with productive work and relationship building; *Noting the beauty of fallen leaves; *Paperback edition of #EverydayPraisereleased!
- *Social media tools that work when I’m not; *Annual Christmas shopping day with Mom and my sister Sherri; *Laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe
- *Rachel’s good mood in the mornings lately; *Spending the evening with Daniel at a congressional debate; *Hanging with some of Danny’s friends I haven’t seen in a while
- *Scripture reminding me of where my satisfaction rests on a not-so-great day; *Mesmerizing light of a burning candle; *Watching Wheaton College fall choral concert live stream, with Zach singing with the Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club
- *Received a beautiful handwritten note, with such sweet words it brought tears to my eyes; *First shipment of #EverydayPraise arrived!; *Rachel’s expressions of love for the respite provider she had tonight
- *Spending time with my mother-in-law and a sister-in-law; Gifting #EverydayPraise; *Ending the day reminded of God’s love by reading this lovely book by Jennifer Rothschild
- *The ability to find solid, scriptural teaching on the radio; *Getting crazy laughter out of my overtired girl; *Exploring God’s love throughout the Bible in #66WaysGodLoveYou
*I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers through BlogAbout Network in exchange for an honest review. Affiliate links are present in this post.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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New Book, Just Released!

[…] still time to enter my latest giveaway for Jennifer Rothschild’s new book, 66 Ways God Loves You. And after you enter, why not […]