6 Gifts to Celebrate 6 Months of Sometimes I Forget Book (giveaway)

Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days is already 6 months old, and I'm offering a 6-gift bundle to celebrate! Read to the end to enter the giveaway of a bundle of goodies, including a gift card and a variety of books.
The Long, Hard Road to Publication
After more than a decade of trying to get a traditional publisher interested in my work, I could barely believe what I read from my literary agent: "B&H is interested in Sometimes I Forget."
"... is interested." Every prospective author wants to hear these words from a publisher. Still, it would be nearly 2 years of writing, editing, and waiting before the book launched. That was 6 months ago. The time has flown.
Writing Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days required long hours of researching God's character, scribbling down ideas, and typing and editing text. It took me way beyond my comfort level as I tried to grasp an incomprehensible divine being, but it gave me a newfound understanding of the Lord's sufficiency.
Writing it was a labor of love as I thought about and prayed for the potential readers. I wanted to offer hope with my words, with sharing about the one true God, who always provides, is always present, possesses perfect knowledge and understanding, and will always be enough for everything we face. And in God's grace, it seems I succeeded.
Sometimes I Forget Book Reviews
In her review of Sometimes I Forget, Lynn wrote this about it: "Since getting it, I begin my mornings reading a section. Reminding my heart, which also sometimes forgets, of the majesty, splendor and power of my God, sets me in the right direction for the day. I cannot recommend this devotional enough!"
D. wrote, "this book was the perspective change I needed to get my eyes off the circumstances and unto who God is."
And another reviewer addressed another aspect of writing for publication: "I felt like Julie was writing to me personally."
That's it! That's what authors want readers to experience when reading their work!
God blessed me tremendously in not only opening the doors for the publication of Sometimes I Forget, but in bringing some wonderful supporters and cheerleaders alongside me and in getting the book into the hands of readers who needed it. I'm grateful to Him, and I'm grateful to you, my supporters and readers.
Special Giveaway Bundle
In the writing and publication of Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days, the Lord has given me a great gift. Now at the 6-month anniversary of its release, I'd like to do the gifting. So I've put together a special giveaway bundle for one winner, with a 1 gift for each month.Enter to win the Sometimes I Forget book 6-month anniversary bundle giveaway. 6 gifts for 6 months! Share on X
- A signed copy of Sometimes I Forget.
- A copy of a wonderful little blessing gift book by the late Lucinda Secrest McDowell titled 52 Prayers of Blessing for Women.
- A $10 gift card to Christianbook.com (it will be sent separately via email).
- A copy of a lovely little prayer book for military wives by my friend Kristi Woods.
- A hardcover NKJV Journal the Word Bible.
- A video Bible study of Karen Ehman's book Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World.
The winner will have 6 fewer gifts to buy for Christmas! Follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter to enter. There are several ways to "earn" more entries, so read the instructions carefully. Also, please share this giveaway with your family and friends.
Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:23-24, ESV
Enter to win the Sometimes I Forget book 6-month anniversary giveaway. A bundle of 6 #gifts: 1 for each month! #sometimesiforget #hopeforyourharddays Share on X
Just Curious
Which of God's attributes bring you the most peace and which of His attributes do you understand the least?
Giveaway (click on the link below the picture to be taken to the entry form)
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Hello Julie,
GREAT question. Hmmm most peace, God is unchangeable. I depend on Him. The attributes I understand the least… God is Sovereign. I think for me it’s hard to deal with daily physical pain so I struggle with what He allows in my life, at times not seeing the purpose or the goodness. But I’m to walk by faith not sight, I just need to trust him.
That’s the crux, isn’t it, dear Martha: to trust Him when things get hard and ugly. Yet the more we get to know the Lord and His faithfulness, the more frequently our faith will overshadow our need for sight. Oh, but suffering is a heavy cross to bear, and I’m so sorry for the cross of pain you are being asked to carry. Praying for you.
Hi Julie,
I’m already subscribed but went ahead and gave my information again, so as not to miss any of your posts! I am comforted by many of God’s attributes, but the one that is the most comforting is that God is unchanging. I am so glad and grateful that in our world of constant change, I can always trust God to be true and faithful, always the same as He has as always been. He keeps His promises and I can always depend on Him! So much comfort in that incredible truth!
Thank you, Juile! I keep you and yours in my prayers!
I greatly appreciate that, Martha.
I subscribed and I’m excited to be a part of this community!
I find God’s love most comforting and I find His sovereignty both comforting and confusing. I don’t understand why He allows some things to happen.
Toni, what a blessing to have you here! The love the Father has for us is mind boggling and, yes, greatly comforting to me as well.
And I totally understand your perception of His sovereignty. At times I struggle with what God allows, but His mysterious/confusing-to-me ways is becoming increasingly a comfort to me because it confirms His transcendence and ability to handle all of the circumstances in my life that I can’t. Like it or not, understand what He’s doing or not, His infinite power and knowledge (including foreknowledge) means there is a plan, even for what I’m going through at the time.
God bless you!
I subscribed! 🙂
Yay, Jennifer! I’m so happy to have you journeying with me through this real life with its real struggles and discovering together God’s real hope. Please let me know if you don’t receive my welcome email. God bless you.
Hi Julie,
I’m already subscribed but went ahead and gave my information again, so as not to miss any of your posts! I am comforted by many of God’s attributes, but the one that is the most comforting is that God is unchanging. I am so glad and grateful that in our world of constant change, I can always trust God to be true and faithful, always the same as He has as always been. He keeps His promises and I can always depend on Him! So much comfort in that incredible truth!
Oh my, yes, Jamie! God’s unchanging (immutable) nature holds great comfort for me as well. I’m grateful you are here in this community. Blessings, friend!