Speak the Truth (in love and grace)

I hesitate to address this topic for fear I may come across as a self-proclaimed saint or know-it-all. Let me assure you this is not true: I am as much a sinner as anyone.
And I certainly don’t have all the answers, just many questions and a deep-seated love for the One who freely offered me forgiveness and redemption. So, please, feel my love in this post, not condemnation.
My children are drawing ever nearer to when they will leave the nest. With greater frequency, I find myself watching them from a distance wondering what their future holds—in adventures and life expectancies but especially in their faith walk.
Will my boys hold onto the truth of the Word even in the midst of persecution and ridicule?
How much will they allow the world to influence them?
Will they cave to temptation or stand on the truth of God’s Word?
Will they base their standards of living on the Author of their life or on the lies of the deceiver?
We live in times filled with great moral and ethical issues: euthanasia, abortion, living together outside of marriage, embryonic stem cell harvesting, gay marriage, fraud, corruption … the list goes on. Advancements in medicine, power, and wealth have brought unprecedented confusion about what is right and wrong. Black and white have mixed to create a whole new shade of gray.
So what are Christians to do?
It is disturbing to me that many Christians remain silent, accepting sinful lifestyles as inevitable, just a fad, or something we cannot or should not do anything about. Some of us fear being labeled judgmental or hypocritical.
There are no easy fixes to the moral decline of our culture, but the answer doesn’t lie in turning a blind eye or a deaf ear.
Whether we like it or not, the truth has been revealed to Christians. The truth is in us (2 Corinthians 11:10).
Followers of Christ are truth bearers; we must also be truth sharers. Believers need to step up and let their voices be heard.
Followers of Christ are truth bearers; we must also be truth sharers. Share on X
God has already judged certain actions as sinful. By pointing out each others’ sins, we are simply providing accountability.
Indeed, we must let the Lord’s love shine through us, but loving doesn’t mean acceptance of a hurtful or wrong choice. There’s not much love demonstrated in letting a brother or sister drive off a cliff without trying to warn or stop them.
we must let the Lord’s love shine through us, but loving doesn’t mean acceptance of a hurtful or wrong choice. Share on X
In the Biblical account of the adulteress in John 8, none of her accusers could cast the first stone because no one was or ever will be without sin except the Savior Himself, who rescued her. However, notice that Jesus didn’t give the woman permission to go on enjoying her current lifestyle. He had higher expectations than that.
“‘Then neither do I condemn you,’ Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.’” (John 8:11 ESV, my emphasis).
The Lord Jesus loved on the sinful woman and then commanded her not to continue living in the bed of sin she had made for herself.
This is a wonderful model for Christians as we struggle with moral decline and open sin. How do we address gay marriage, living together outside of marriage, abortion, pornography, lying, cheating, fraud?
Speak the Truth in Love
Yes, we need to love! Yes, we need to listen! Yes, we need to show compassion!
But we also need to stop letting our brothers and sisters deceive themselves.
We need to be salt. We need to shine light.
We need to hold onto God’s truth and be confident and forthcoming with imparting His truth to others. Even if it is hard to hear.
God’s living, breathing Word is truth—every word of it. It matters not whether one approves of its message or even believes it. God’s truth is not relative.
As a fellow sinner, I am in no position to condemn or to judge. That is not my intent. And I realize there are many extremely difficult circumstances.
But as followers of Christ, I am called, you are called, to “Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor” (Ephesians 4:25).
As followers of Christ, we are called, to “Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor” (Ephesians 4:25). Share on X
It is through that truth that we truly become free to live a life of joy and promise. Just make sure love and grace walk hand in hand with truth—for in Christ, they are inseparable.
Impart truth, but make sure love and grace walk hand in hand with truth—for in Christ, they are inseparable. Share on X
“Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31–32 NIV).
Reflections: Do you believe imparting God’s standards as well as His love and grace is part of our calling as Christ-followers? Have you been in the difficult position of pointing out sin in someone’s life? How did you handle it? How did they respond?
Gratitude list continued, #530–548 (browse all 548 here):
- The fourth day when the “greater light” was created; virtually crutchless; hubby putting banister on our deck steps
- Graduation pictures ordered!; 2 raccoons skirmishing on our deck; #inrl meetup gift packages
- Fresh salad w/ sweet berries & honey mustard dressing; road trip w/ 3 Christ-filled ladies; laughter in fellowship
- Fragrance of spring; enjoying son’s performance in high school play; spring rains—we need the moisture
- Digging in the dirt planting flowers; walking in the yard (with brace on); fruit trees blossoming
- My camera, which takes great “stage” photos w/ no flash; heart of a son shared; planting last of the indoor starts
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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