When Praising God Is Difficult #31DaysofPraise

“Through [Jesus] then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.”
Hebrews 13:15
It seems so wrong to say, but sometimes it’s not easy to praise God.
- The world flips upside down and seems like it will never right itself; then praise is hard.
- Fierce storms hit, relentless and seemingly unending; then praise is hard.
- The moment turns gray and ugly for reasons identified or not; then praise is hard.
- Day after monotonous day drags on; then praise is hard.
Sometimes huge, sometimes not, but when the unexpected and, yes, the too-often expected hits, it can sag our spirits.
So let’s face it. Let’s fess up. Sometimes worshiping God, giving Him glory, doesn’t come easy.
Sometimes worshiping God, giving Him glory, doesn't come easy. #31DaysofPraise Share on X
But that’s the point: Praise doesn’t have much meaning if it’s always easy. Praise itself is a form of surrender and sacrifice.
God doesn’t need the praise, but we need to give it.
God doesn't need the praise, but we need to give it. #31DaysofPraise Share on X
In the mounds of dirty dishes and days of sick kids, in the financially lean months and challenging-health ones, in relational conflicts and times of isolation, praise brings perspective. A perspective we need.
Oh, He is worthy to receive our praise, absolutely! But we are also needy to give our praise. It’s a heart thing really.
God is worthy to receive our praise, absolutely! But we are also needy to give our praise. It's a heart thing really. Share on X
Things happen and our hearts get all twisted and sour. If we’re not careful, the acid oozes out, poisoning all we contact and connect with.
But by grace, we have praise.
When Praising God Is Difficult
Praise is the sweetener for our hearts. It chases away the bitterness and anger and despair of living in a world where deep, dark shadows chase us.
Praise is the sweetener for our hearts. It chases away the bitterness and anger and despair of living in a world where deep, dark shadows chasing us. Share on X
Praise isn’t optional; it is essential for the faithful to remain faith filled.
Praise isn't optional; it is essential for the faithful to remain faith filled. #31DaysofPraise Share on X
It opens our hearts to the One who can keep them soft and sweet in a often hard and bitter world.
Giving thanks and praise: it’s not because we always feel like it, but because we must.
So whatever you’re feeling today, might I encourage you to reap the blessing of this sacrifice? Praise Him in your sorrow and frustration and tedium, yes, even in your anger if that is where you are right now.
When praising God is difficult, praise Him anyway, because it’s what you need and it’s what I need:
To His great and majestic name, all praise and honor and glory to the Lord of heaven and earth!
Reflections: Where are you right now? Do you feel like praising God or not? How has praising God when you haven’t felt like it changed your heart? Be assured this is a safe place to share if you need someone to come alongside you in prayer and encouragement. (If you desire privacy, feel free to go to my Contact Page and contact me directly.)
If you like these short devotions on praise, be sure to check out my devotional on Amazon, “Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace.” Just click here!
More than 4 years of counting and I’ve surpassed 4,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #4,390–4,410. Read my entire list by clicking here.
- Long walk with Hubby this morning; Seeing Zach and taking him out for supper; Traveling mercies
- Home!; Being with a girl who missed her mama; Squeezing in the time to read aloud together once again
- Picking the last of the above-ground garden produce before Friday’s frost; Listening to music with Rach during dishtime: Helping Joey with homework (yes, this too is a gift)
- Finding a strategy for remaining focused on work; Loading up on pumpkin recipes and making pumpkin banana muffins; Receiving the good news that Zach is coming home tomorrow
- Great help to set up for our church’s women’s rally tomorrow; Cheering on Joey’s football team to another win; Zach is home!
- Wonderful women’s rally where we did business but also worshiped and had Bible study together; Successful deer hunt for Dave and Joey: Joey shot a nice buck; Seeing children playing in the autumn woods
- A church home where we can fail & still be accepted; Celebrating an early birthday for Zach while he’s home; Finding amazing pumpkin recipes (it’s that time of year), recently pumpkin fluff, which doubles as apple dip
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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