When You Don’t Have It All Together, You’re Still Alright
“We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18
How frustrating! Just when I think I have it altogether, I blow it again.
One minute, I’m singing praise songs and then the next I’m fuming over something that went wrong (likely minor in the big scheme of things).
One moment I’m happily serving, the next I’m grumbling. What kind of Christian am I?
Depression hits as I think about how a Christ-follower should be responding.
You too?
Yet really, what do we expect? God made us emotional human beings. A people who have the ability to react to surrounding stimuli.
So why are we surprised when our emotions, attitudes, and behaviors fluctuate? Why do we always expect to do things perfectly and be perfect?
As believers we will have gracious reactions and not-so-gracious ones.
True, the more time spent in the presence of the Lord and calling on the Holy Spirit will definitely produce more spirit-led thoughts, words, and actions.
True, spending time in the Word and in worship will result in us reflecting more of Christ.
True, praising God and turning to Him in prayer will product more spirit-guided responses rather rather than flesh-guided.
That’s the beauty of transformation.
But true and lasting transformation still happens in intervals.
We will never walk in the spirit perfectly this side of heaven. And it’s not helpful to beat ourselves up about it.
When we say yes to Christ, we want to be quickly and completely changed to perfection. But transformation doesn’t work that way. It is a process.
One I’m so grateful for, especially when I reflect back on how I used to be and how much the Lord has refined me.
You Are Alright
But remember, dear friends, we are being transformed, to be completed when we reach our final Home.
You may be making imperfect progress, but by God’s grace, you’re making progress nonetheless.
You may be making imperfect progress, but by God's grace, you're making progress nonetheless. Share on X
You may not have it all together, but you are still alright!
Despite knowing this, it can still be hard to be patient with ourselves. To help us extend some self-grace, I’ve created a printable as a reminder to be patient, to rest in the Lord’s peace and joy and mercy as He works in us. It’s my gift to you simply for subscribing. Click the image and be encouraged!
One day we will react and behave perfectly. What a glorious day that will be!
But for today … today we are a work in progress, and in the hands of the Lord, that can be pretty glorious too!
One day we will act perfectly. But for today we are a work in progress, and w/ God that can be pretty glorious too! Share on X
Reflections: What frustrations seem to get the best of you?
More than 4 years of counting and I’ve surpassed 4,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #4,453–4,473. Read my entire list by clicking here.
- Meeting with one of those people in my life who I feel completely comfortable with; All those little errands done; Friends who will tell me the hard things I need to hear
- An opportunity to serve above and beyond at my job; An understanding interviewer willing to delay our talk for a better day; Arrived safely at Mom and Dad’s
- The entire day spent with Mom and my sister; Eating at the two restaurants of our annual Christmas shopping tradition; A mom and a sister to share life with
- Lessons learned from and help with a frustrating situation; Good news today on many health fronts; Attending a wonderful high school musical
- Networking with others experienced in postsecondary transitioning for young adults with special needs; New pumpkin molasses cookie recipe; Arrived safely at mother-in-laws
- “Kitchen-time” with my mother-in-law; Being present for and having the ability to care for my sick kiddos; A furnace that works
- Quiet morning with Bible in my lap and worship music on while kids rested; Comfort of homemade turkey frame soup for sick tummies; Sick ones feeling much better
By His Grace,
Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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