Whisper Yes: What You Do Matters to God!

The very thing we think is less significant often carries the greatest importance.
The very thing we think is less significant often carries the greatest importance. Share on X
When you whisper yes to changing one more diaper, to waiting on one more table, to reaching out one more time, to showing kindness to one more person, you are making great deposits for the Kingdom of God.
Standing in line to pay for my gas, I watched the interaction between a young mother and her preschool son. Grinning at the adorable innocence of the little guy as he wanted to “help,” I was struck anew by the significance of the task this mama had undertaken.
She had said yes to one of the most challenging yet meaningful jobs: raising children. I wondered if she knew the importance of this assignment.
Earlier, I had followed a garbage truck making its rounds. With every stop, two men jumped off the side of the truck and emptied garbage cans into it. I wondered if they realized the significance of their job.
In the middle of our daily tasks, we often miss the importance of what we do.
Quest for Bigger
Many of us, myself included, desire to do something “bigger” with our lives, with more obvious impact. Travel to Sudan to help in refugee camps. Go on a medical missions trip. Serve on a disaster relief team. Create a non-profit that provides awareness and support to women rescued from sex trafficking. Minister to those with disabilities.
Having a warm dinner waiting for my family doesn’t seem enough. Caring for my daughter’s unique needs each day seems lacking in significance. Doing laundry, typing words of encouragement, stopping into visit an elderly friend seems to fall short in the “making a difference” category.
We want to do something newsworthy, even if we don’t want the coverage itself.
And as we age and have less ability to physically perform, we feel even less important.
Importance of the Smaller Yes
But maybe the smaller yes is equally important. After all, God takes the least and makes them into a thousand. He takes the smallest and makes it into a great nation. (Isaiah 60:22).
He can certainly multiply my little when given in obedience and humility. He can multiply your little as well. So …
Maybe the whispered yes of getting up every morning to care for my daughter’s hygiene needs carries great significance.
Maybe the hesitant yes of the single mother to tackle one more day of parenting alone is incredibly valuable.
Maybe the tentative yes to help in my local church’s Vacation Bible School holds great importance.
Maybe the sighed yes of the homebound elderly lady to offer prayers for others is a great treasure.
Big, bold yeses are wonderful and needed. But so are those little whispered ones.
Planting Seed of Eternal Value
Because every act of obedience to God, no matter how insignificant it may appear to us or others, has great significance to Him. It’s the value of a willing heart as Jesus highlights while observing the widow’s meager offering (Luke 21:1-4).
We each have a unique calling, one that often changes with the seasons of our lives. All are valuable.
So whatever season you find yourself in, whether it be one where you can step into serving in big and noticeable ways or one where no one notices as you wipe one more nose or whisper one more prayer, know that you are planting seed of eternal value. Your daily offerings matter.
Your whispered yes to God, no matter the size of the task He’s given, is great in His eyes. After all it’s the position of the heart, not the size of the offering that matters most to Him.
It's the position of the heart, not the size of the offering, that matters most to God. Share on X
“Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men,” Colossians 3:23
Reflections: Do you feel less than in your current season of life? Do you long to offer more to God but know you are where you must be for now? Create a list of people who you serve while performing your daily, ordinary, mundane and seemingly unimportant tasks. They matter, so what you do matters!
I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “Whisper yes.” Click on the image to check out the wonderful encouragement.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Love love love this, Julie! It is practically parallel to a message I am sharing tomorrow night about finding joy in the ordinary. Such powerful thoughts. #livefreeThursday
Would love to listen to your message, Crystal! Such an important topic.
This is so beautiful, Julie. You nail home the message of “whisper yes.” We’re always looking for the “Big,” but sometimes God is most glorified in our “small.”
Thanks, Betsy, and Amen!
When we say “yes” to something God puts in front of us, He rewards us in ways we don’t realize. We can comfort people when we share our story of trying times with them. I said, “Yes” to a task that came to our door and learned a lot about
people and how to be available to others facing serious needs.
Beautiful Julie! We spend a lot of wasted time looking around and waiting for those rare big tasks when we could be accomplishing God’s small ones that are right in front of us! Hope I learn this lesson soon! Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Cindy