I was never sure I could do it, but I’m officially over 110 posts! The first few came easily although with much angst as I wrestled with what others would think.
My early writings included personal information, reasons for starting the blog, and a few thoughts burning to get out. The easy and obvious.
Then the hard work of grinding out consistent messages of encouragement set in. To be honest, I thought about giving up more than once (still do on occasion).
But something drives me to continue. Maybe it’s the periodic “I needed that” or “You inspire me” comments. However, I rather like to think it is because I am being faithful to God’s calling on my life.
As I look back over the first 9 months of my blogging life, I’m struck by how eclectic my postings have been. Is this good or bad?
I meander from writing about personal battles like dealing with raising a child with disabilities and loosening my grip on my children to struggling with joy to celebrating life. The only constant I’ve stuck to is bringing each reflection back to Scripture—acknowledging in the good, bad, and ugly the reason for hope and joy.
One day I’m praising the ever-faithful, ever-loving God, the next my anguish at this life’s unfairness pours out.
What am I trying to convey in such wanderings? Shouldn’t I be always upbeat, always celebrating? Should I point out my failings, my despairs, my questions and doubts? When I question, isn’t that going to encourage others to do the same?
These insecurities have plagued me since my very first posting. They continue to stab fear in my heart each instant before I press “publish” on every submission. Am I doing this thing called blogging correctly? Am I ministering as God would like?
However, no matter how much I try to tweak it, my writing keeps taking on this attribute. And this morning during my Bible time, I believe the reason revealed itself:
If I wish to address truth, the truth is that nothing is perfect this side of heaven. I am not wholly righteous. This world is not without hardships.
I write about the struggles and the triumphs; the doubts and the comforts; the grungy, hard moments and the lovely, uplifting ones because that is life.
I let my tears stain the keyboard and question marks dot the screen because as I look back at the last few days that is the reality I live.
There aren’t always easy pat answers. Each day, each hour, sometimes each minute holds a roller coaster of emotions and experiences.
In August 2011 when I finally acquiesced to God’s constant gentle prodding to share my experiences and lessons learned with others, I determined I would remain open and vulnerable. No value would come from portraying a perfect life in a broken world.
Thus, I write as both a broken, sinful wretch and a redeemed, joyful daughter of the King because that is what I am. I am a work in progress—and so are you!
Reality is I am a vessel who will not be molded to perfection in action or faith until the glorious day when I find myself in the Potter’s hands.
Until then or until I feel led to change, I will continue to share about the imperfections of this world, day-to-day life, and my faith; in the end, always pointing to the only reason for hope: salvation found through the grace of a loving, merciful Savior.
And as I write and speak, I would be honored to walk alongside you in your reality.
I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. … And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can approve the things that are superior and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God (Philippians 1:6, 9–11, HCSB).
Your thoughts: How can I minister to you through this blog? What type of writing most encourages you? Do you appreciate reading about others’ struggles, or do scriptural reassurances and worship and praise pieces minister to you more?
Know that I am blessed by your visits and value your comments. If you find my writings encouraging, please share them with others by clicking one of the buttons below. I love to pray for you and hear your stories!
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Keep doing what you’re doing. I appreciate the good bad and ugly. That’s what my life is and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it. Your use of God’s word fits so well with your topics. Please keep doin whatcha doin. This life throws us so many curve balls. Some good and some not so good. We areare in itthe together dearand frind in Christ! You are doing a good work here.
Thanks, Linda! Your words encourage me.
I enjoy reading a blog that jumps from experience to experience. Isn’t that what life is? Continue the way you are and we will continue reading 🙂
That’s what I thought. Thanks for the support, Colline!
Julie, until the Father steers you somewhere else, keep going. Yes, just like this. Keep that beautiful heart of yours open and bare and vulnerable and know that that is encouraging, that is where truth shines and Light comes in for the benefit of everyone who He brings to read. Love how you stay close to Him. It helps us see His face. Bless you!
Hey, Jennifer, you always have just the right words to encourage and bless. You are deeply appreciated!
Julie, your words have color and imagery ~ and connect with so much emotion I can almost identify with those splashes of tears. You use reality to tug at our hearts as you lovingly script the “good the bad and the almost ugly” that is in all our lives to sketch out your life to us ~ “We” the almost strangers ~ except for the binding of our hearts.
We come to your pages as one ~ seeking hope ~ courage pours straight from your heart ~ your almost naked transparency ~ and your limitless willingness to share the most intimate whispers ~ God has used you many times in the past 9 months to bring me to my knees and break down my defenses ~ and I always leave your place filled with hope.
Friendships, even distant online-only friendships, can be a balm to an aching soul, and you, Friend, have soothed mine many times. I value your comments, insight, and writings. Your words always bless me, Linda.