Our Abilities Are Insufficient (why that’s okay)

Gold Brush Stroke

A Christian’s influence should never be measured by her abilities but by God’s. 

A Christian's influence should never be measured by her abilities but by God's. Share on X

These past few weeks have provided ample opportunity for me to experience my shortcomings in full color. 

I’ve struggled with major overload trying to juggle kid’s school events, doctor appointments, a heavy editing load, securing guardianship for our now-adult daughter, and trying to get Everyday Praise formatted into print version. My abilities were insufficient to manage all of these tasks.

In fact, my overwhelming to-do list threatened to drown me. But God met me in my need and provided supernatural strength to see me through. I just had to show up and do the next thing. 

insufficient but God

My Abilities Are Insufficient

When I look back at my past life, examine my present life, or project ahead to my future life, it’s easy to see my deficiencies. I always come up short. 

That can be quite disconcerting, until I realized one very important thing. In the incredible grace and love of Jesus Christ, none of us have to measure up because He does it for us. 

In the grace and love of Jesus Christ, none of us have to measure up because He does it for us. Share on X

In fact, if our abilities were wholly adequate for the task on hand, we’d have little need for Him. What we have to offer in any situation we face is insufficient, but God is more than sufficient. 

One Fish Is Enough

The powerful and miraculous biblical account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (John 6:1-14) spotlights His adequacy for the lot of us. 

A large crowd had followed the Messiah to the wilderness to receive healing. Evening approached, and the people had nothing to eat. When Jesus suggested the disciples feed them, they didn’t believe it possible.

They couldn’t see beyond their inadequacy, their lack of provisions. They forgot about the power of the One they followed.

Note the disbelief in the question one of them asked: “One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him,9 ‘There’s a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish—but what are they for so many?‘” John 6:8-9

Jesus proceeded to demonstrate His sufficiency. He blessed the bread and fish and had the disciples distribute it among the people.

Andrew, Peter and the rest gathered 12 baskets of leftover food! They saw firsthand (once again) how God’s might is enough for even the seemingly impossible situations.

Without Christ, the disciples had little influence over the situation. In the end, it wasn’t their provisions or abilities that mattered, but the might of their Lord. 

In even the near-impossible situations, it's not our provisions or abilities that matter, but the might of our Lord. Share on X

Jesus used two fish and five loaves of bread to feed 5,000. But He could have just as easily used nothing or even one lone fish. 

It is impossible to get our minds fully around the power of our God. He put all creation into motion. By the power of His hand, a word from His mouth, He created and provided! 

Simply Show Up

As I think about it, there’s little, if anything, I’m wholly adequate for. That revelation makes it sweeter than ever to know a God Who is wholly adequate for me. All you and I have to do is show up with a willing heart. 

Because one fish is enough for Him.

One mite.

One yes.

One hesitant nod.

One next step.

Each one is enough.

Because the simple act of showing up is what matters. In the hands of our big God, an obedient heart is enough.

The Lord’s wisdom and might are more than capable to provide for the rest.

In the hands of our big God, an obedient heart is enough. He's more than capable to provide for the rest. Share on X

15 He made the earth by His power,
established the world by His wisdom,
and spread out the heavens by His understanding.
16 When He thunders,
the waters in the heavens are in turmoil,
and He causes the clouds
to rise from the ends of the earth.
He makes lightning for the rain
and brings the wind from His storehouses. Jeremiah 51:15-16 HCSB

Reflections: When have you seen evidence that God’s power provides for your insufficiencies?

It’s been more than 5 years of counting and I’ve well passed 5,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #5388–5408. Read my entire list by clicking here.

  • *A friend who gives me a verbal kick in the pants when I need to just do it (whatever it might be); *Received a fun surprise gift of her new book, #31verses, & a few sweet treats from the dear Liz Curtis Higgs; *Another lovely night for football: weather wise and outcome wise
  • *A meaningful first meeting of the FEP oversight committee; *Taking an hour to walk around the state capital and visit special memorials honoring the brave; *Safe travels on my 6 hour round trip
  • Significant progress on editing projects; School staff willing to contact me with their concerns about Rachel; Hubby home from an overnight trip
  • Bringing encouragement and nourishment to a dear friend recovering from surgery; Difficult yet important lesson I’m learning about waiting on God’s timing; Rachel’s joy at seeing me (I never get tired of this)
  • *27 years with my man!; *Danny joining us to watch Joey’s football game; *A night spent at Mom and Dad’s
  • *Seeing Joey’s final marching band performance of the year; *Having the time and the perfect setting to enjoy the beautiful day; *Hearing good things from Congressman Rod Blum at a rally #1000gifts
  • *Fun night planning a couples Bible study with friends; *Still being needed by my youngest (even if it was to do laundry) *Rachel calling to me when I got home (although she should have been sleeping)


By His Grace,



  1. Cecelia Lester (Quiet Spirit) on October 14, 2016 at 6:44 pm

    Someone recently responded to my comment that I had been very busy with her statement: “It’s nice to be busy.” I was not fully in agreement with that response. I was tired; I didn’t want to hear that thought.God guides us through those times where we are constantly on the move.

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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