
Hold Tight to the Christmas Promise (and a prayer)
Regardless of our circumstances, when we hold tight to the Christmas Promise we can still experience peace and joy. Reflection The immediate days after Christmas, and the holiday activities have waned. We sit contemplating the Day and its meaning—past, present, and future. Your memories may be pleasant or difficult. This year’s Christmas may have been…
A Prayer for When Life Hurts Too Much
Sometimes life hurts too much. The pain and weightiness become more than we can handle. It’s then we’re forced to turn to the One who can take it all. The Lord is able, and He is willing to help His children when we surrender our pain to Him. I’m currently in a season that is…
Trust the Lord With the Thorns in Your Life
Most of us have a thorn or two in our lives, some perhaps have many. Like the Apostle Paul, we’d rather be rid of them, but also like Paul, the Lord may not agree, instead assuring us that His “grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness” (2 Corinthians 9b). And which…
Wait on the Lord (Spotlight on Faith Series 4)
One of the greatest acts of faith is to wait on the Lord, trusting Him with an outcome that seems impossible. And He always comes through. We always seem to be waiting for something. Sometimes good things, sometimes difficult things. But the important thing is that we look to God in our waiting. When we…
Trust God With Your Best (Spotlight on Faith Series 2)
I love the Lord. I say I trust God. But do my actions always show that trust? The Lord is a jealous God, desiring our undivided devotion, a devotion that gives Him our first, our best, our all. But if I’m honest, instead of giving the Lord my best, I’m often giving Him what’s left.…
Path to Amazing Faith (Spotlight on Faith Series 1)
What does it mean to have amazing faith? “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (John 20:29b) Faith or Sight If you’re anything like me, you strive to know and understand the details of a situation before moving ahead. I’m that way with most things. I want the top deal, the best outcome, the…
Let Your Weakness Display God’s Strength
I hate admitting when I’m weak. But what if our weaknesses display God’s strength? Shouldn’t we use those opportunities to point others to Him? Talking to my friend, my throat tightened. I struggled to contain the threatening tears as I replayed my own circumstances. Life proved hard once again. Yet with a knock on the…
Believe, Even When You Cannot See
God uses our strengths, but just as effectively, He uses our weaknesses. And trusting Him in our weakness is living out our faith in its truest form. It’s saying we believe, even when things don’t look so promising. The easy, the comfortable, the known, that’s where we want to be … and stay. We don’t…
Act Brave Even If You Don’t Yet Feel It
Sometimes it’s necessary to move out of our comfort zone, to step out in faith before we’re ready. Often it’s best to act brave even if we don’t yet feel it, trusting God to be brave for us. A Quest My mind becomes foggy when I get nervous. As I drove through Indiana, the fog…
Five Truths to Hold Onto When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair
Holding onto biblical truths when life gets hard won’t make the suffering go away, but it can soften its hardest edges and bolster hope. Two decades ago my dreams were shattered when my first baby slipped away as a preborn in the first trimester. My heart broke, and the world went dark for a season.…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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