What Makes Jesus’ Death and Resurrection So Amazing?

“Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! Grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!”
~Isaac Watts

'Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And love beyond degree!' ~Isaac Watts Click To Tweet

Every time I thought about her and what she had done to me, anger bubbled up. She hurt me. I knew I should forgive her, but honestly, I didn’t want to. 

That’s what makes the Lord’s forgiveness so incredible! I struggled to forgive a fairly minor offense. He forgave the very people who ended up taking His life.

Even more remarkable, He chose to serve and humble Himself in front of them. In fact, He served the very “friend” He knew would turn Him over to the authorities mere hours before it happened! 

In John 13:1-19, we come upon the account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. The humblest of acts —  awkward to say the least in our culture. Yet, here was the Lord bowing low to serve His closest friends … and an enemy. He knew He was washing the feet of His betrayer! 

“But look, the hand of the one betraying Me is at the table with me!” (Luke 22:21, HCSB). 

I cannot imagine serving or even eating a meal with her, with someone who slandered or did me wrong, not to mention a person who is a future accomplice to my murder! Yet Jesus did. 

And didn’t He do the same for you and me? 

We betrayed Him too. Our sin put Him on the cross as much as Judas’ and the Pharisees’ sin did. 

We deny Jesus when we choose to do what He hates. When we hurt those around us — in deed and in word. When we lust after another one or another thing. When other things become more important than Him in our lives. 

greatest gift

Yet Jesus Still Forgives

Jesus said of those nailing Him to the cross:

“Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34, HCSB). 

Jesus asked His Father to forgive those who did not know who He really was. Yet we know what we are doing — we know who He is, we know we hurt the God of the universe when we sin. We know better, but still we do it.

And still He forgives! 

On the cross, Jesus asked His Father to forgive those who did not know who He really was. Yet we know what we are doing — we know who He is, we know we hurt the God of the universe when we sin. We know better, but still we do it. And still He forgives! Click To Tweet

It defies all human logic. 

On the cross, Jesus Christ fulfilled His new covenant, offering all who believe in Him as their Lord and Savior and who repent of their sins forgiveness and life eternal with Him.

Our flesh still sins against Him. We still betray Him and always will to some extent as long as we walk in this human body. But in His mercy, while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8), Christ offered us victory over our flesh. He washed away our past filth and the filth to come, not from our feet alone, but from our very being — cleansing us and making us pure and Holy to enter into the presence of His Father, to enter into His Kingdom forever! 

Not only is that truly mind boggling, it is also the most merciful thing ever done. And there’s more to think about. 

On the cross, Jesus Christ fulfilled His new covenant, offering all who believe in Him as their Lord and Savior and who repent of their sins forgiveness and life eternal with Him. It's mind boggling and the most merciful thing ever done! Click To Tweet

I eventually forgave the gal who wronged me, but I still don’t want to be in her presence. 

Yet Jesus not only forgave us but made a way for us to be in His presence forever. Wow! 

The Ultimate Act of Mercy and Love

That’s what we celebrate on Easter! It’s not simply another story of forgiveness. The Lord made a way for His children to always be with Him … the very children who continue to wrong Him on earth.

Easter is not simply another story of forgiveness. The Lord made a way for His children to be in His presence forever ... the very children who continue to wrong Him on earth. Click To Tweet

God could have kept the old covenant, the old sacrificial system that basically said, “Okay, repent and pay up, and I’ll forgive you. You’ll be forgiven to the extent you pay for it.”

Or He could have simply paid for our sins but kept a barrier between us: not wanting to be around those who wronged Him and continue to do so. But He didn’t. He loves His children too much to remain separate. 

Jesus’ life — His birth and ministry on earth, His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead — is the ultimate act of mercy and love, resulting in the greatest gift that was ever and will ever be given! 

Jesus' life — His birth and ministry on earth, His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead — is the ultimate act of mercy and love, resulting in the greatest gift that was ever and will ever be given! Click To Tweet

Reflections: The depth of the Lord’s love for us absolutely floors me as I read through the events leading up to and through His death and resurrection, especially His humility toward His betrayers. It is so contrary to our culture and human thought. What about Jesus’ life similarly strikes you? What about our Lord most moves you? 

By His grace ≈


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Find hope in your real-life struggles. We'll chase it together! I am a wife; mom of 4 (including a young adult daughter with special needs); miscarriage mom of 5; author & follower of Jesus Christ. I write, edit, speak and enjoy everything outdoors.

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