
Gold Brush Stroke

How To Secure Joy [Fruit of the Spirit Series]

Who doesn’t want joy—that feeling of well-being and delight? I venture to suggest we all want it. But if you’re like me, you find joy somewhat elusive. It slips quietly into my day, only to leap away before I can fully harness it. Yet I keep trying. I buy nice things for myself and others.…

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You Are Here to Make a Difference

Often as we age, we feel less useful. Sometimes, depending on our vocation or our abilities, we may feel unimportant at a much younger age—as if we could disappear and it wouldn’t matter.  But you do matter. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.  And you can make a difference in someone’s life and for…

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New Year of Giving Thanks (“One Thousand Gifts” book review)

It began many years ago. A mystery. A quest if you will. It started informally at first. With a feeling–an inkling. A mother’s intuition, a whisper really: There is something special about that daughter of mine, aside from being my child. She is trying to tell me something. I know it now, I knew it then.…

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In Which I Remember, Grieve, and Rejoice

The memorial card goes with me nearly everywhere. It’s really all I have to remember my five precious pre-born children by. Five names scrawled across, with the date of their Home-going indicated as well. Their names are for the most part reflect merely guesses of the gender. I don’t revisit the grief often but sometimes…

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Learning to Be a Cheerful Live(r) [From a 17-Year-Old]

There are some that go through life seeing their cup as half-empty. Zachary began life believing his half full. At least that’s what it seemed. As soon as the little guy was wrapped in a warm blanket and fed he was as content as a fox in a chicken coop. And he hasn’t wavered far…

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Living the Joy (it’s contagious)

As parents, teaching our children is just part of the job description. But have you noticed how many lessons you learn from them? Today my daughter Rachel taught me an important one. ♥               ♥                ♥ We walked down the sterile, stainless steel–trimmed hall. Me in my surgical gown, booties, cap and mask, Rachel adorned in…

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The Key to Suffering With Joy

Suffering with joy? Some have discovered the key. It seems once I begin to read such stories, I can’t put them down. Last night I finished Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand, a Christian pastor in Romania imprisoned and tortured under the Communist regime for 14 years. Despite my revulsion to the horrors Pastor Wurmbrand…

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The Ideal Summer (I’m Not Always In Control)

The changes of the seasons invigorate me. Spring into summer perhaps more than any of the others. As the days get warmer, I gear up for many activities I love: gardening, hiking, exploring, kayaking/canoeing. More than anything, though, late spring ushers in family time! School is out. The days are waiting to be filled with…

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Exploding Love/Joy: Ours to Possess and Ours to Give Away

  There is a deep and holy sense of love and joy when you know and draw nearer to the Lord. Have you been around people who know the precise moment when they became a disciple of the Lord? They can usually describe the details of the conversion right down to what they were wearing,…

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Full Measure of Love (and more)

Well, friends, an entire year lies before us. Our focus can be on the difficulties and struggles sure to come, or we can choose to anticipate those love gifts promised to be poured out in full measure. To that end, I am joining Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience for her 2012 joy dare to…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne