
Gold Brush Stroke

To Be Intentional Doesn’t Mean To Do More (freedom of intentionality)

“All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you,” Gandolf the Grey, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring I want to steward well the time God has given me. Yet too often it seems as if every second is prefilled for me. Work,…

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The One Thing I Hope My Children Remember About Me Above All Else

As a parent it is far too easy to get wrapped up in the daily happenings. Endless demands. Never-ending task lists. In each day’s busyness, the urgent gets our attention, and far-too-often the most important gets forgotten. [←Tweet this.] We work hard at being Supermom or Superdad, yet forget being Child of God is our first…

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Faithfulness from Generation to Generation [Short Bursts of Encouragement]

This past week I spent two days exploring Mom’s family roots. We traveled to where she grew up and where my great-grandparents are buried. I saw old homesteads and where old homesteads should have been. I marked gravesites and updated incorrect birth and death records. I puzzled over old deeds and chuckled at faded photos.…

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You Only Have One Life to Live (How To Make It Count)

“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” ~C.T. Studd It is easy to get caught up in our day. To assign importance and meaning by how we feel or what demands the most attention or what is cool and in. But  ♦     feelings are fickle, changing with…

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Reflect Forward to a Life of More Meaning

Around January 1, most of us spend some time reflecting on the past year. We remember the good times, lament over the bad, and project forward to a better next year.  Always a better next year.  But really what does that “better” mean? Is it more money? A bigger house? More prestige? A healthier season?…

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Your Ever-Widening Circle of Influence

It begins with two. Him and her. Beginning a life together. Something so small—just two—grows large through the years. A couple joined becomes more. Blessings added through the years. As the numbers grow, so. too, does their influence. The circle expands. The reach widens. A legacy left is a legacy widely felt. Compounded by children’s…

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Today Will Not Return, but You Have a Choice: What Will It Be?

Enjoy today … it won’t come back. —Amish Proverb I love this Amish proverb. But years ago, I wouldn’t have paid much attention. I had to learn. I had to grow. I had to ask questions. I had to secure my anchor. But I am learning … the days can drag on, but the seasons fly…

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Live a Life of Gratitude

Are you living a story of gratitude or entitlement? I attended a visitation a few years ago. It was for an amazing lady, well respected and loved in the community. She fought a courageous battle with ALS and I was told died with grace and dignity, ready to be with her Lord. At the funeral home,…

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Not-So-Many Words (learning how to live fully)

To live fully the life we have been given is not so easy. Oh, it often looks easy in our heyday of innocence (that time between birth and age 5; okay, for some maybe into the double digits). After that, living can be downright difficult—at least at times. My early years largely played out in…

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Passing It On

Occasionally, I think about the kind of legacy I will leave behind when God decides it is time to take me home. Some of you may say that is morbid. Really, it is just following the Boy Scouts of America motto of “Be Prepared.” (Yes, my boys are scouts!) The fact is we all will…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne