Death of a Fairy Tale (The True Story)

I remember the first time I sketched out my entire life. It wasn’t a written plan— just a story in my head. But still rather detailed.
Many of us compose one, usually around the upper teenage years (and again as we face our midlife crisis).
To me, it was a work of beauty. Few mysteries would mar what I was sure would be this bestselling narrative of my life.
No hiccups would pop up. I would glide along under a gentle yet persistent breeze. My sails filled. My direction true.
A rare storm would blow by me, not at me. However, if it did strike, repairs would be easy … and permanent.
A Fairy Tale
My self-authored fairy tale could be summed up like this:
- Working hard in college (I was never afraid of hard work thanks to my father).
- Graduating with a degree in my dream field: wildlife biology.
- Securing a job in said career.
- Marrying the Christian man of my dreams.
- Making our home in the country on several acres.
- Having seven beautiful, loving, respectful children (variety of sexes and at least one set of twins, if you please!).
- And of course, living a long, happily-ever-after life with my man (picture: rocking on the porch side by side with a gentle breeze caressing us).
- Oh, and don’t forget, the horses—I would have several well-behaved horses; not the kind that kick their owners in the back.
Now, don’t laugh! Deep down we all have our own versions of the fairy tale life we plan for ourselves.
The problem is our versions almost always focuses on what we think will make us happy, instead of what really will.
Our version of a fairy tale life nearly always focuses on what we think will make us happy, not what really will. Share on X
Our lives become centered on what makes us look good or feel good, what is easiest or most efficient, and how to get ahead and stay ahead. We lose sight of the simple things and the most important ones.
And when there’s a ripple in that tale we’ve written and dreamed of, we wonder how we can ever be truly happy again.
I did.
The True Story
But in the aftermath of being pummeled by the brunt of multiple storms, a world of redemption opened to me. I slowly began to realize the importance of refocusing: off myself and onto others. Away from my “problems” and toward the possibilities.
In a world of brokenness, I began to see its worth. I began to get glimpses of the perfect plan of the Creator for my life.
Through God’s grace, my painstakingly drafted fairy tale gave way to a much richer story of hope and purpose—a real mega-hit by the best-selling Author of the Universe.
God has a story of hope and purpose written for each of us, a narrative much richer than the fairy tale we draft. Share on X
God has a similar narrative written about you. Why not put your fantasy story to rest and crack open the cover of that biography to discover the true adventure that awaits!
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
Reflections: How did/does your self-authored fairy tale read? Have you exchanged it for the real thing yet? If so, how has that changed the way you live?
So grateful my God has a much better story written for me than the fairy tale I scribed. Linking with A Holy Experience for Multitude Monday to share many of the details of His biography of my life in a gratitude list—#715–736 (click here to read my entire 1000 gifts [or more]):
- Repaired leg obviously stronger; mentors in the faith; inch-worm entertainment for my son
- Rachel “tying” me up; Vacuum cleaners–I shudder to think of carpets w/o them … ugh!; “Word” time
- Double rainbow–awesome!; Surgery success for a loved one; Chocolatey, nutty Nutella on a spoon!
- Mostly weeded garden; Precious, glorious sleep; Inspirational showers
- Sons & nieces so willing to help; Stubborn weeds–how great to finally succeed in managing them; Cell phones–mostly
- Fabulous graduation party!; Supportive, loving family & friends; Incredible weather
- Getting re-acquainted with a faith-filled friend; Encouragement of my sister; Fathers
- The Lord’s story of my life.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Your perspective is a blessing as always!
Thanks, Rachel! Have a fabulous week.
Love this. Every little girl dreams of her fairy tale, but the real thing is always so much better because our Heavenly Father knows what we need to fit us for heaven. Bless you this weekend, my friend. You are a princess, after all! 😉
As are you, Julie! Have a tremendous weekend.