Do they know God loves them? (and more gifts)

One hundred–plus students parade across the stage. They come from a variety of backgrounds, with various experiences under their fourteen- to eighteen-year-old belts.
Some growing up in traditional two-parent homes, others barely holding onto one parent.
Some exuding confidence, others just managing to keep their nervousness in check.
Some appearing to lead fairy tale lives, others with “struggle” written all over them.
Some have hidden secrets carefully guarded.
All had heartwarming words spoken about them this night. This was speech awards night. A night where coaches brag on each student, no matter the magnitude of their achievements. A night to celebrate young men and women. A night of joy.
My older boys grew up with these near adults. I know many of their parents and surface-life details.
But I wonder about the mysteries buried in each youth. The potential that lies untapped, the dreams yet unfulfilled, perhaps even unknown.
God’s Love
God has a plan for each one. A unique situation, set aside specifically for him and her. Do they know that? Do they have any idea how much their Creator loves them?
And I think about those who seem to have the easy road now. The star athlete, the senior who has had everything he/she touches turn to gold. Are they prepared for when a curveball is thrown their way? How will they receive it?
I look on those whom I know have already completed a journey of hard. Those whose river of tears carried them to a place of victory.
The bullied and persecuted who didn’t listen to the hateful lies directed at them but kept fighting for acceptance and opportunity.
The ones who overcame incredible odds like the boy who climbed out of autism to perform in miraculous ways.
Then I consider those still on that journey. Ones not participating because they are yet wrapped in despair or self-loathing. Teenagers not able to share the stage with their peers due to limiting disabilities or illnesses.
How many of them know their Father has created them with a specific part to play in His production called life?
They are not an afterthought.
They weren’t a mistake.
They weren’t just thrown on this earth, left to go it alone.
Do any of them realize that not one—not even one—is left out of His fold? It just requires a yes.
You are not an afterthought or a mistake, and you are not left to go through life alone! God loves you. Share on X
I want to make sure they all know His love—His love for each of them, not just the smart, the pretty, the confident. Perhaps even moreso for the weak, the scarred, the most ridiculed.
God Is Good
I want to write it on their hearts. I want to shout it for all to hear. It doesn’t matter who you are. What counts is whose you are.
It doesn't matter who you are. What counts is whose you are. Share on X
I want them to know the gift I’ve discovered and continue to unwrap daily. A hard-won truth that’s been revealed through a life of celebrations, sweet and mundane moments, and heartache. The truth of the goodness of the Lord.
I don’t have all the answers to life’s difficulties. And it doesn’t always feel like it, but do they know …
God is good! Despite the “unfairness” of life.
God is good! Even though there will be those who can never stand on the stage.
God is good! Although there will be ugliness and sadness in everyone’s life.
God is good! Circumstances don’t determine His goodness.
God is good! He just is.
God is good! Despite the “unfairness” of life. God is good! Although there will be ugliness and sadness in everyone’s life. God is good! Circumstances don’t determine His goodness. God is good! He just is. Share on X
“Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
Reflections: What ways have you tasted God’s goodness?
Gratitude list (#483 to 507). See them all here:
- cute little girls w/ delight on their faces; hug from 10 year old, sweet reminder of baby/toddler cuddles; positive therapy report
- mystery of the Holy Spirit’s workings; peppermint tea for a cold (and no pre-bagged stuff); each day 1 day better
- knowing God’s waiting patiently after a temper tantrum; a friend to share failures with; the end of a difficult day
- advancing to added weight in knee therapy; sound of a son’s safe homecoming late in the night; garden seeds
- Parents home safely after 3 months away; Chai tea for a sagging spirit; the smell of Italian Beef in crock overnight
- fishermen to entertain my daughter; a rare outing among sweet, caring friends; divine appointment with a book
- Celebrating Confirmands as they confirm their faith in Christ; Chinese dinner w/ family; honest and open talk w/ son
- down to one crutch!; the joyful in spirit—those everyone wants to be around; the sovereign hand of God
A belated link to A Holy Experience for
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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