The best shelter isn’t always where you think.
The storm had been threatening for the last few hours. Finally, the sky released its fury. The rain and wind pummeled us, but it was the lightening that chased us off the lake. We paddled hard to get to get to shore.
Hubby took charge of securing our canoes while I sought shelter from the storm for my man, myself and our three boys. It wasn’t much, but the low-hanging branches of a pine tree afforded protection from the worst of the rain.
Eventually, the danger passed and we resumed our paddle to a campsite.
Seeking Shelter from Life’s Storms
Few of us enjoy being tossed around in a storm: whether a literal one found in nature or a figurative disturbance in our lives. Rather we’d prefer to be sheltered from the affects of either kind.
Unfortunately, we don’t always look in the right place when (not if) the storms of life hit.
- Sometimes we trust our own strength to anchor us until the squall passes.
- Sometimes we turn to others to help.
- Sometimes we take steps to forget we even need a refuge.
Each of these can be effective on occasion. However, when our hearts are fearful and hurting, we need to find a shelter that is infinitely strong and always present. We need a safe place where we can regain a sense of peace and rediscover joy.
An Unfailing Shelter
Only one place offers us that unfailing refuge: in the shadow of the Almighty, in the shelter of the Most High (Psalm 91:1). When we feel pummeled from every direction, when life throws us one curveball after another, when we’re soaked to the skin and bone tired, God welcomes us to rest in Him.
Only one place offers us an unfailing refuge: in the shadow of the Almighty, in the shelter of the Most High. Share on X
He offers unshakeable and unchanging promises. Promises to provide what we need to weather any storm. He’ll set us high upon a rock. He’ll hide us under His wings. He’ll shield and protect us.
Nothing is too hard for God. No storm is too great.
But we need to recognize where our shelter lies. We need to offer ourselves reminders as to where to look.
Nothing is too hard for God. No storm is too great. But we need to recognize where our shelter lies. Share on X
Life distracts. Our pride rears its ugly head. Other options entice.
King David knew this. He knew that the only shelter he could forever count on would be the Lord. But he also knew how easily it would be (and was) to forget that.
So he wrote about the hope he found in the Almighty. He sang about the greatness of God. He wrote poems and prayers acknowledging the Rock that would never fail him.
He reminded himself of the promises found in the Lord by praising Him. And when fierce winds threatened David remembered and knew hope.
Be Reminded of Your Greatest Shelter
I used to find myself tossed around by my daily circumstances. I rode a roller coaster of emotions.
Then I discovered the blessing of reminding and remembering the greatness of God. Through a daily practice of praise and thanksgiving I became firmly anchored in Him.
I now know a peace that withstands gale-force winds. Yes, life has tested it!
Now unwanted happenings no longer hold the power they used to. Sure, I still know sorrow. I still feel regrets and heartache and anger, but they no longer rule my life, they no longer control my days.
Praise Ushers in Peace
Praise ushers in a peace that passes all understanding. King David knew it. I’m experiencing it. You can too.
God offers Himself as our solid shelter free of charge. We simply have to remind ourselves He’s there and always will be.
God offers Himself as our solid shelter free of charge. We have to remind ourselves He's there & always will be. Share on X
And that’s as simple as daily worship.
I believe so strongly in the power of praise that I’m writing a devotional on the topic of praise. The book, titled Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace, features 31 short devotions accompanied by full-color Scripture-based images. It will release as an Ebook on Amazon Monday September 12 and a month later as a paperback. I’m so excited about this book that I want to give you a sneak peak. Click here to read a little more about the book first or click here to immediately subscribe to my blog and receive the first five devotions absolutely free! As you read them, I pray His peace floods your soul.
“For [God] will conceal me in His shelter
in the day of adversity;
He will hide me under the cover of His tent;
He will set me high on a rock.” Psalm 27:5
Praise ushers in a peace that passes all understanding. Discover it for yourself. #everydaypraisebook Share on X
Reflections: Where do you currently find shelter when storms of life hit? Do you turn elsewhere at times because you don’t believe God’s promises or you forget them? Why not incorporate the practice of daily praise and be reminded where your greatest shelter lies?
I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “running for shelter” Click on the image to check out the wonderful encouragement.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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I’m your neighbor over at #LiveFreeThursday, and I’m glad I stopped by. I was touched by this thought: “Praise ushers in a peace that passes all understanding.” I want to live with more praise in my life also, especially as I navigate the murky waters of chronic illness. Thank you so much for these encouraging words today! –Blessings to you!
Thank God for His perfect timing, Bettie! I’m sorry for the suffering you are experiencing, but I’m incredibly grateful you have a steadfast shelter to take refuge in through it all. May His peace envelop you. Lord, guide Bettie to the shelter You offer her. Be her refuge and surround her with your peace. In Your great and powerful name, Amen!
Thank you for your beautiful prayer!
My pleasure, Bettie.
Julie that’s one of my favorite verses in His shelter. Joining you today at #LiveFreeThursday.
Mine, too, Deborah! It’s one of the few passages of Scripture I’ve memorizing. Thanks for popping in.
I love this Julie! As I was writing to this prompt too, I realized I usually find shelter in my emotions and worry but am learning to find it in our Mighty Fortress! The element of praise is something I’ve been missing I think. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. You’ve inspired me! Cindy
I missed it for so long, too, Cindy. I’m grateful my thoughts encouraged you.