I Can Only Imagine, But He Knows

Gold Brush Stroke

I can only imagine why I’ve been blessed with the beautiful family I have, but God knows. 

I can only imagine how the cadence of the seasons and creation of new life really happens, but God breathed the rhythms of life and function into being. He knows. Imagine2

I can only imagine why several of my children were taken Home before I could even feel them growing inside me, but it’s not a mystery to God. 

I can only imagine why Rachel cannot run and jump and talk and reason like other teenagers, but God has an incredible plan behind what He has equipped her to do (I’m still learning). 

I can only imagine what use God could possibly have for a scatter-brained, strong-willed, procrastinator like me, but God loves me (pride and all) and has a unique purpose for even me. 

I can only imagine my future, but God already knows how He will still my trembling knees, hush my voice of denial, and equip me to fulfill His plan.

I can only imagine what it will be like when I meet the Lord face-to-face, but He already knows how I will respond. 

I can only imagine…

and my imaginations are not always right or good. 

But I can trust that there is One who created it all and knows the beginning and the end. I can trust that the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all, the Savior who gave all He had for my salvation, will never leave me.

If I only trust in Him–trust in His wisdom and sovereignty–I will never be left to wallow in my run-a-muck thoughts. 

The same goes for you. 

We can only imagine, but He knows. Trust Him. Put your hope in Him. Count on Him.

It’s okay to imagine (sometimes it can be quite fun), but how comforting to know there is One who is never left in the dark. 

And then when uncertainty threatens to derail your sense of security–and it will–focus on the Lord of all and discover His amazing peace. 

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3).

Reflections: Is there something you wish you had the answers to? Are you willing to trust that God knows … and that’s good enough?

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By His Grace,



  1. Brent Peterson on August 14, 2013 at 8:45 pm

    I know the feeling as a scatter-brained, strong-willed, procrastinator too! 🙂 I can only imagine. A lot of days.

    • Julie Sunne on August 14, 2013 at 10:00 pm

      Well at least we’re not alone. 🙂

  2. Terry Baker on August 23, 2013 at 5:41 am

    I awoke this morning to find such beautiful words of FAITH to carry me through a ‘trying time. God Bless and thanks. T.B.B.

    • Julie Sunne on August 23, 2013 at 7:19 am

      Praise God, Terry! Praying things are better.

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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