Jesus Never Fails!

One night several years ago, I learned my son had been wounded. It was the type of hurt that cannot be seen, one that eats at the soul.
My mother’s heart ached to fix it, to make it all better, just like I did when he was a little boy. But this was not a pain that I could fix by opening the medicine cabinet or kissing the scratch. This was one that only time and God could heal.
Realizing that, I cried out in prayer, beseeching the Lord to take it all away. Telling Him what I thought should be done but secretly thinking that time would be the most likely physician.
You see, I knew that the Great Physician could intervene but would He? And the only path to healing I could imagine was one that required a long time.
God Works in Miraculous Ways
But God works in such miraculous ways! And He was to prove faithful … again!
He sent a godly man to speak encouragement into my son’s heart: a stranger to us who made a name for himself despite his humble beginning and trial-filled upbringing.
This man obviously loves the Lord deeply. Although he was singing and speaking to a large audience, he lifted my son’s spirit in that short time: inspiring him in his walk with Jesus and giving him a respite from his problems.
And the Lord did not stop there!
While my son was being ministered to, I was an hour away at a Christian women’s gathering having my spirit renewed as well. I knew this would be an enjoyable event. A time of prayer and laughter , it was an opportunity to be with women who have experienced so much life and had seen the Lord’s repeated faithfulness.
What I didn’t expect was the powerful impact the gathering would have on me. The entire rally centered on how Jesus never fails.
We sang about His unfailing love, read scripture pertaining to His presence and protection, listened to sermons on His mercy, and even watched a skit about His gift of salvation.
It was an inspiring day and one that assured me of God’s love for me.
But it wasn’t until I returned home and heard about the stranger’s impact in my son’s life that I put it all together:
At the same time the Lord was reviving a mother’s spirit, He was emboldening a boy’s: 45 miles away!
At the same time the Lord was reviving a mother’s spirit, He was emboldening a boy’s: 45 miles away! Share on X
And it was not in my plan!
Perhaps it’s about time I realize I don’t have to plan out solutions for God or worry as to whether or not He has one. In His timing, He will work it all out, redeeming every situation for those that love Him.
We don’t have to plan out solutions for God or worry as to whether or not He has one. He does, and it's far better Share on X
And He has once again proven His faithfulness to me … through Word, song, prayer, and application.
Jesus never fails! Hallelujah!
“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you …” (1 Chronicles 28:20).
Reflections: Have you seen the unfailing love of Jesus Christ in your life? In what ways has He proven faithful?
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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What wonderful praises. What a wonderful reminder of how He never fails. Needed that.
Thank you for your kind words, wisejunction! Reminders are so important in our Christian walk. I need them … often!