An Easy and Rewarding Way to Notice God’s Presence Every Day

Have you noticed that we don’t often think about God unless we have a difficult circumstance to bring before Him?
It’s not intentional for most of us. It’s just that in our loud and fast-paced life, God’s quiet presence goes largely unnoticed until we become desperate.
Yet, no matter what our circumstances, He has already provided an endless amount of everyday blessings for us to enjoy. When we miss them, we miss Him.
And when we miss God, we miss a deep richness that permeates each and every moment of our lives.
When we overlook God in our day, we miss a deep richness that permeates each and every moment of our lives. Share on X
So what if we became intentional about including our Lord in each of our days, the good as well as the bad ones?
To note His presence?
To note His majesty and glory?
To note His sovereignty and presence?
To note His continual grace and mercy?
How would that change our attitude?
How would that affect our witness?
Become More Aware of God’s Presence
Making note of God’s presence is quite easy. He’s given us much we overlook or take for granted. Taking notice of them reminds us of Him.
In other words, becoming more aware of God’s presence in our days is as simple as remembering what He’s given us.
Becoming more aware of God's presence in our days is as simple as remembering what He's given us. Share on X
So here are some everyday gifts He blesses us each one of us with:
The sun to wake us to a new day.
The moon and stars to soften the darkness.
Majestic peaks, grand valleys and expansive seas to spotlight His majesty and sovereignty.
Trees to shade us from the intense heat of the day.
Grass to give us a soft place to land.
Rocks to remind us of the beauty in jagged edges.
Illness to prepare us for the Land without tears.
New life to reflect the great promise we have in His Son.
Family to point us to grace.
Friends to comfort us and redirect us to the truth.
Children to delight and challenge us.
Difficult relationships to direct us to forgiveness.
Critters to demonstrate His creativity.
Storms to humble our hearts.
Large palette of colors to brighten the dreary and mundane.
The Son, Jesus Christ, to bring us life.
The Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide us.
The Father to provide for us.
The Holy Bible to speak to us.
The beauty of who God is and what He’s done for us should propel us to live each of our days basking in His presence, not ignoring it.
The beauty of who God is & what He's done should propel us to live basking in His presence, not ignoring it. Share on X

“For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20
Reflections: Are you intentional about inviting God into each of your days? What reminds you to take note of God’s presence?
Going on 5 years of counting and I’m nearing 5,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #5084–5104. Read my entire list by clicking here.
- Wonderful supporters willing to offer me encouragement and prayer when needed; Storm to wind up a day early; Promise of a future and a hope, even when a day was a bit rough (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Rachel actually likes her new glasses and it seems like she’ll keep them on; Mega-relational time with Joey as I make several chauffering trips every day; Squeezing in an evening with my guy
- Cautious and thorough doctor; Half of the day to spend working on my #EverydayPraise devotional; Working outside on the new portable standing desk my hubby made me
- Special relationship between Rachel and her respite provider; Walking the campground with my guy and girl and letting a special little girl try Rach’s Amtryke; Packed for my women’s conference
- Safe arrival at the #lwml district convention with a great traveling partner; Worshiping and serving Christ alongside hundreds of sisters in Christ; Hearing about and seeing how God multiplies our little to make a big difference in lives around the world
- Walking through a century’s old cemetery and absorbing the history; Having a wonderful traveling partner to the #lwml convention and back; Home with my family
- Sacrificial fathers, including the man I married; Father’s Day celebration at my mom and dad’s; Pretty sunset
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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