I whispered it to my husband in the quiet of the night. A feeling that’s been haunting me for much of this year, growing stronger in recent weeks.
“Life seems so complicated right now.”
How I long for simpler days. Carefree days of exploring woodlands and floating rivers. Hours free to get lost in a story or dream up an adventure.
Now, a weight threatens to settle permanently on my shoulders. Too much responsibility. Too many demands to squeeze into an already overloaded schedule.
Sometimes it’s about muscling through these seasons, trusting God to carry me over the mountain. Other times it’s about reducing the load, sifting and winnowing all the nonessentials.
Both require faith that I’m not alone in this complicated life. Knowing I have someone who cares and will help is the only way I can keep going.
Peace Is Available Now
Perseverance in the tangled mess of life requires leaning into the One that with a word formed the universe and all that’s in it.
Perseverance in the tangled mess of life requires leaning into the One who with a word formed the universe and all that's in it. Share on X
Taking each next step during hard and overwhelming seasons requires pressing closer to the One that put breath in my lungs and hope in my heart.
Taking each next step during hard seasons requires pressing closer to the One who put breath in my lungs and hope in my heart. Share on X
Life right now is complicated. It may remain that way for quite some time.
Hope Prevails
But hope for each day prevails. It prevails because
“The Lord sat enthroned at the flood;
the Lord sits enthroned, King forever.
11 The Lord gives His people strength;
the Lord blesses His people with peace.” Psalm 29:10-11
*The Lord didn’t just sit previously; He’s enthroned as King now and forever.
*The Lord didn’t just give once; He continues to provide His strength to all who call Him King.
*The Lord didn’t just bless His people a long time ago: He, even now and forever, blesses His people with peace in all the difficult messes of life.
When life becomes, and/or remains complicated, there is still hope.
Be comforted: the Lord is King forever and continues to give strength to His people and bless them. Share on X
Press into Him.
Rest in Him.
Draw strength from Him.
Receive His peace now! Don’t expect it only after the road smooths out.
Remember that as King forever, the Lord Jesus offers us a seemingly impossible peace right in the middle of the overwhelm!
Go ahead, embrace it. I am.
Reflections: Have you received the peace Jesus offers? It’s not only reserved for when we reach heaven. You can experience it right now, in the middle of the worst mess. What’s stopping you?
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Yes, Life can get complicated. But we have to trust God and live one day at a time. We have times that events come into our lives that we don’t want there but, with God by our sides, we do get through them. Peace to you and yours.
So true, Cecelia! Always appreciate your support and encouragement.
Thanks for this word of encouragement for when life gets complicated, Julie. Lord, help us to remember to lean on You. Amen!
Amen and Amen! Thanks Kristine!