Your Sacred Journey: Through the Struggle Comes Growth

Looking back I see a bit clearer why the Lord didn’t grant my wish for the life I desired. He offered something more to me. He’s asking me to walk a sacred journey, one set apart, dedicated to His service, not my own. 

Suffering hurts but has purpose on our sacred journey

Sacred Journey

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary offers this definition of sacred: 

sacred. 1a : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity a tree sacred to the gods. b : devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) a fund sacred to charity. 

Left to my own inclinations, I’d be comfortable and happy, yet shallow and selfish. I’d never know what deep depravity my flesh holds. I needed to be broken and molded into a new vessel. One that would pour out for Him. 

Left to my own inclinations, I'd be comfortable and happy, yet shallow and selfish. I'd never know what deep depravity my flesh holds. I needed to be broken and molded into a new vessel. One that would pour out for Him. Click To Tweet

Truthfully, I’m still in process, we all are, and will be until we reach Heaven’s gates. Since Adam and Eve sinned, the struggle has been real for every human being who has walked this planet. 

On my morning walks, I listen to the audio version of the M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan on Bible Gateway. Recently, we were in Genesis 32. The account of Jacob wrestling with God captivated me. He struggled for sure. His journey was a difficult one. 

Yet God’s sovereignty and might and mercy seemed to become apparent to Jacob in that struggle. Jacob walked away physically weaker (with an injured hip) but spiritually stronger. 

Wrestling With God

Similar to Jacob, on this sacred journey, we will wrestle with God (although likely not in a physical sense). We will question Him, plead with Him, and sometimes be angry with Him. And sometimes, also like Jacob, we are injured in the process.

However, although the struggle may hurt and we may walk with a limp, if we stay the course, we will heal and grow spiritually. We will learn to trust God and our faith will grow stronger.

Although the struggle of this sacred journey of life may hurt and we may walk with a limp, if we stay the course, we will heal and grow spiritually. We will learn to trust God and our faith will grow stronger. Click To Tweet

If we never wrestle and wonder and ask, will we ever truly come to a point of surrender? And without surrender, where is the devotion, the dedication. It’ll be a half commitment at best. 

Yes, suffering hurts. But it’s part of preparing us for His service, to endure the sacred journey He has planned for us. 

Yes, suffering hurts. But it's part of preparing us for His service, to endure the sacred journey He has planned for us. Click To Tweet

Wrestle, Surrender, and Trust

Don’t waste your suffering. Wrestle if and when you must. But then surrender your strength and understanding, trusting God’s sovereignty, might, and mercy as you walk your sacred journey with greater devotion.

“Jacob then named the place Peniel, ‘For I have seen God face to face,’ he said, ‘yet my life has been spared.’ 31 The sun shone on him as he passed by Penuel—limping because of his hip.” Genesis 32:30-31, CSB 

Reflections: What sacred journey does God have you on? Have you surrendered, or are you still wrestling?

By His grace ≈


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Find hope in your real-life struggles. We'll chase it together! I am a wife; mom of 4 (including a young adult daughter with special needs); miscarriage mom of 5; author & follower of Jesus Christ. I write, edit, speak and enjoy everything outdoors.

4 comments on “Your Sacred Journey: Through the Struggle Comes Growth
  1. AnnMarie says:

    I was just contemplating how we wrestle with God! The verse “in this world you will have trouble” came to mind. But it’s the next few words that lift me up- “be courageous, for I have conquered the world.” Such hope and encouragement! Yes, as you said, through struggle comes growth! He is with us in the process.

    • Julie Sunne says:

      He is with us, absolutely, AnnMarie! But it takes practice to remember that when the road gets rough. Grateful for God’s comforting presence during that practice.

  2. Julie: This is a superb essay. I can identify with it. God has been teaching me for all of my adult life. The issue was I didn’t choose to listen to Him until I had to when some things didn’t turn out the way I thought they should. Thank you for your honesty here.

    • Julie Sunne says:

      Too often we have to get to the end of ourselves before we let God take it. You are far from alone in that, Cecelia. I appreciate your authenticity as well.

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