The Secret to Finding Enough

It’s easy to think the next big thing will be enough to make us happy. In the Western world, we often set our hopes on retirement, the big promotion, or a new house for satisfaction. Yet doing so only leads to further disappointment. 

In the Western world, we often set our hopes on retirement, the big promotion, or a new house for satisfaction. Yet doing so only leads to further disappointment. Click To Tweet

Hold the Gifts Loosely 

Those of you that have followed me on social media know my husband and I helped build our retirement home (his retirement anyway) last year. We began in early June and recently moved in (although much finish work remains).

It’s a dream come true, but one we’d do well to hold loosely.

This house move is good. A blessing for sure. But a few days ago I was reminded that the beautiful fireplace, spacious living space, comfortable bedrooms, and abundant windows will never be enough. My lovely home won’t ever fill my deepest needs. This newest and grandest of things won’t satisfy my desires, calm my fears, and/or make me whole and complete. It won’t ever be enough. 

Jesus is enough

Only One Is Enough

This house won’t be enough. My husband won’t be. My children won’t be. My job won’t be. My hobbies won’t be. My ministry won’t be.

Because only One is enough.

The One who set the earth in motion. The One who suffered and died on a cross. The One who after three days rose again from the dead. The One called Jesus Christ!

Nothing on earth will be enough to fulfill me. Because only One is enough; the One called Jesus Christ! #enough Click To Tweet

Don’t Fall for the Lie

Don’t fall for the lie of the enemy that fulfillment can be obtained in earthly possessions, activities, or accomplishments. None of it will satisfy for long.

Not the job promotion.

Not a baby.

Not partying.

Not human relationships. 

Not being the fastest or the strongest.

Not having the biggest house or coolest vehicle.

We’ll always want what’s next. A little bigger. A little more. A little higher.

Because the Lord created us to be complete only in Him.

Fulfillment will not be found in earthly possessions, activities, or accomplishments; the Lord created us to be complete only in Him. Click To Tweet

“For [the Lord] satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” Psalm 107:9, ESV

O Lord, help us remember that we are Your creation, Your children, created in Your image, and complete only in You. Help us turn from our aimless search for fulfillment and walk evermore closely with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Reflections: What earthly thing(s) tempts you the most in the area of fulfillment? What reminder can you put in practice that will shift your trust from that thing/those things to the real Answer?  

By His grace ≈


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Find hope in your real-life struggles. We'll chase it together! I am a wife; mom of 4 (including a young adult daughter with special needs); miscarriage mom of 5; author & follower of Jesus Christ. I write, edit, speak and enjoy everything outdoors.

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