Sometimes I Forget Is Launched! (Giveaway)

Come rest with the One whose very nature promises hope.
Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days is available for purchase wherever books are sold. A unique devotional, it includes prayers, quotes, Scripture verses, stories, and truth reminders related to 60 attributes of God.
I needed this book, so I wrote it. I needed reminders that God is trustworthy, that I can believe that the promises He made to His children in Scripture are for me, not only for everyone else.
Sometimes I’d look around and wonder where the fulfillment of those promises was. Sometimes I’d question whether God really cared … whether He would truly never leave me nor forsake me. I felt desperate to trust the One who promised these things to me.
During a time of reflection and desperation, I begin writing out my woes and then, in response to those hardships, I started listing all of God’s attributes, the reasons I could trust Him with my burdens. That honest and vulnerable post birthed this book.
Our Faith Is Tested
Are you in a difficult season? Does life not make sense to you right now? Is there a burden you carry that is growing heavier every day? Does fear of the future overwhelm you? Are there relationships or situations in your life that frustrate or anger you?
Does fear of the future overwhelm you? Are there relationships or situations in your life that frustrate or anger you? You are not alone. #sometimesiforgetbook #youarenotalone Share on XYou are not alone. We live in a broken world, where sin and doubt create a toxic mix, where bodies wear out and relationships wear thin, where Satan will use everything in his power to convince us that we should place our security in anything other than God. We live in a world that constantly tests our faith.
God’s Unchanging Nature
Yet, God’s unchanging nature gives us reason to hope, a solid foundation on which to stand. Reviewing God’s character and how He relates to us in the fullness of that character refocuses and re-anchors our trust in Him. I pray readers of Sometimes I Forget will have their trust be refocused and re-anchored in the Lord.
Reviewing God’s character and how He relates to us in the fullness of that character refocuses and re-anchors our trust in Him. #sometimesiforgetbook #knowGodtrustGod Share on X“The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed.” Jeremiah 17:7, CSB
Giveaway of Sometimes I Forget
There were days I wondered if this book would ever be published. But God …
In celebration of its release, I’d like to give away two signed copies of Sometimes I Forget to two people who comment on this post. I want to make this simple:
- Please comment on this blog post listing an attribute of God that most comforts you.
- You’ll receive an extra entry if you mention someone to whom you would like to give a copy of the book.
The contest closes at 6:00 p.m. central on Memorial Day, and the winners will be announced Tuesday, May 28.
The two winners of the signed copies of Sometimes I Forget are
Terri Bargerhuff and Jennifer Cook!
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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The fact that he is unchanging is a comfort.
There is a couple with a disabled boy that I would like to give a copy to.
His unchanging nature is such a comfort to me too, Darla.
Grace -unending grace. Grace for the moment and the dat and sometime during the night. He is always there and providing that and hope.
My friend Angie needs your book of encouragement and will treasure it as I will.
Exactly, Pat! God’s abundant and amazing grace is for this present moment … and the next, and the next. Lifting Angie in prayer.
God’s faithfulness always comforts me. No matter what happens to us in this earthly life on a daily basis He is a constant anchor for us and He never changes. His promises are sure and true. My friend Heather would be encouraged by your book, she is in the midst of her third cancer journey.
Oh, Maryann, trusting God’s faithfulness is critical to walking through such terrific battles as your friend’s. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Praying the Lord meets Heather in a profound and lasting way during this hard season she’s facing.
Every-time I feel like I am alone in my mess, something good happens when I don’t expect it and reminds me of His presence.
I would love to receive your inspirational book to keep me motivated in the storms of life.
He is absolutely faithful, Carol, and gives us the exact grace we need for the moment we’re in. You, my friend, are never alone!
Faithfulness. He never leaves me and is faithful to keep His promises.
Deuteronomy 31:6-8
Amen, Renee! We are never alone, and He will always fulfill His promises to us.
Strength- especially His strength being perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). I would love to give your book to so many friends, but specifically to Joleen.
It’s so comforting to know the Lord is strong in our weakness, Diane. Lifting Joleen up in prayer.
MERCY for sure! God is so merciful to us all. His mercy allows me to not only be His child, but also allows me to be forgiven when I mess up!
My cousin Sheila went through the loss of both parents in a short amount of time. She would love to have this book!
Yes, His mercy that’s new every day! Oh, I know how difficult that is, Connie! Praying for Sheila.
Faithfulness, I can depend on Him to NEVER leave me. I have lived in physical pain for 30 years. He greets me in the morning and holds me on the hard days, hears my prayers and tucks me in bed at night while standing watch. On my good nights, I sleep well but on my rough nights, I can find Him comforting me. I would give this book to my sister, Terry who is her husband’s 24/7 caregiver (He has Alzheimer’s). Have a great day!
Oh, Martha, I’m so sorry for your suffering. Yes, the Lord will remain faithful, which is such a comfort. Caregiving is such a difficult calling. Praying for Terry and her husband.
I love God’s patience. I need that so much on my hard days, to remember that He is patient with His faltering child. I would love to give a copy to my best friend Kelly – we’ve walked through many hard days together over the years.
Oh, how I need His patience, too, Toni! His mercy is great.
Yes, His truth!
I love that Jesus is peace.
Oh, to rest in His peace, Jennifer! When we surrender, He delivers.
I am so thankful for His faithfulness!
If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself.
2 Timothy 2:13
Amen, Terri! His faithfulness never wanes.
I have gotten great comfort from the book…thanks
I’m so grateful that Sometimes I Forget has blessed you, Debra! May it continue to do so.
If you haven’t yet, please place a review of the book on Amazon and/or any (or all) of the online bookseller sites. Posting the one line you shared with me is perfect. This helps give others the confidence to buy it and gives the book a bump in visibility. Please stay in touch. God bless you.