When We Forget God Is Trustworthy: Help Me Launch “Sometimes I Forget”!

Would you help me launch Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Times?
At times it seems I need reminders of God’s faithfulness every five minutes. I all-to-quickly forget His blessings, His answers to prayer, His grace and mercy. I need the reminder that God is trustworthy, so I wrote a book to help me remember. I wrote it for you too.
Help Me Launch Sometimes I Forget
I wrote this book for all who get amnesia like I do as an invitation to come rest with the One whose very nature promises hope. But I need help to get it out there. So, this is your invitation to help me launch Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days.
I wrote 'Sometimes I Forget' for all who tend to forget God's faithfulness like I do, as an invitation to come rest with the One whose very nature promises hope. #SometimesIForgetbook Share on X
I’m communicating with the launch team solely via email. So, if you want to join the team, sign up for my email list—signup form is below— and then say yes in the comments so I know to look for you. (Don’t worry I don’t share your information with anyone else, and you can unsubscribe anytime you’d like.) A bonus of being a subscriber is that you’ll receive access to my vault of free resources too!
Simple Launch Team
I promise this will be a simple launch team. You’ll receive two emails a week for the first five weeks and then one email a week for the next three weeks. Don’t worry, I’ll give you all you need to share each week in a simple format, but feel free to be creative as well.
As a huge thank you for helping me, I’ll send you an exclusive, launch-team-only invitation to a Zoom book launch party on launch day, May 7, 2024! There will be prizes and perhaps a surprise or two.
That’s it! Simple, right? We are all so busy, and none of us needs another long list of to-do’s.
Say Yes!
Does this sound good to you? Do you believe we all need reminders that our God is trustworthy and faithful? Do you want to help share about the steadfast hope we have in the Lord?
Just say YES! Simply reply yes in the comments and sign up for my email list. I’ll take care of the rest. Here’s the signup form:
If you have any questions, please ask. I’m excited for you to join my team!
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Are you struggling to maintain godly focus in the mess of each day's living? Do you too easily find yourself worrying about circumstances instead of trusting in God's promises? If you answered yes, why not download my ebook. It's filled with 25 power verses with space for personal reflection to help you maintain godly focus, no matter what situations arise.
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