There Are Times I Forget Who I Am

Rachel was a mess. And I fumed at the injustice of the situation. Would this undesirable part of parenting ever end?
Fourteen years of cleaning her up—no end in sight. Dare I say, I soaked in self-pity for a few minutes.
How Quickly I Forget
Yet as I was cleaning up my girl in a well-equipped bathroom with plenty of toilet paper and wipes to boot, it dawned on me that it could be far worse. Circumstances could always be worse.
She could have messed in the car, or we could be camping in a primitive area with no facilities, or I could be childless. I had forgotten. I forget often.
Later, I whined about having to finish an editing project while everyone else enjoyed time together. When less than a month ago, I complained about not having paid work. How quickly I forget.
It isn’t unusual for me to catch myself unhappy with the circumstances of my day. The children are misbehaving, overly busy, insensitive. My house is too messy, too small, too run down. My husband is too preoccupied with work, our land, himself.
The list goes on and on.
I’ve forgotten. …
It helps to remind myself that at least I have children to nurture, a house to live in, and a husband who loves his family.
Last night I dreamed a dream all to familiar: I was helplessly lost. This night, on a college campus. I couldn’t remember my major, my class schedule, anything about what my purpose was.
Could it be this recurrent dream and my discontentment both stem from the same root cause: Forgetfulness?
I’m discontent in the moment because I forget how bad it could be and how good it really is.
But worse, I feel restless and uncertain in my waking moments and lost in my dreams because I forget who I am.
I forget I am a child of the Most High God, that I have been adopted by the Father.
Through that adoption, every moment of my day takes on meaning. None of the circumstances I find myself in are wasted. God uses them all.
As daughters of the King, none of the circumstances we find ourselves in are wasted. God uses them all. Share on X
The truth is the Lord is always good and is in everything. He’s in Rachel’s messiness, my work, misbehaving children, a run-down house, a preoccupied husband.
It is well to remember who I am as a daughter of the King. When I do, all of those seemingly difficult circumstances have a new meaning. They take on His goodness.
And all is well in the bosom of the Lord.
“He came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him. But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:11–13).
Reflections: Do you ever forget who you are? Do you have suggestions for remembering our adoption as children of God when we are in the midst of daily chaos?
More gifts to celebrate (#928–948; read my entire list by clicking here):
- Send-off meal of steak, baked taters, & corn-on-the-cob for son; Spending morning with Daniel, including tennis!; Sons
- Son’s final night before college spent together as a family; Less pain in knee as I do 1 min. jogs; Outside encouragement
- Arrived in Hillsdale, MI, safely; Sharing a 450-mile trip with my oldest son, just him and me; Daniel’s excitement
- Safely home from first trip to Hillsdale; Found my purse 200+ miles from home; Interstate highways (love/hate relationship)
- Joining with my friend in her grief; Cooking for others; Packing for a visit to my son!
- Inspired to purposely enjoy 10-hr journey w/ family to son’s college; Peaceful campground; 2 nights in quaint little cabin
- Daniel’s excitement; Meeting Daniel’s roommate and sweet family; Hillsdale College’s stance for absolute truth
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By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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I forget again and again. One thing I am choosing – to use the moments like the one you described, the messes and all my mistakes, to remind me of grace and new mercy. Writing helps me remember, too. Thanks for sharing wisdom here!
Journaling–and rereading my entries–help me remember God’s grace as well, Tresta. Counting His gifts everyday (keeping a list as recommended by Ann Voskamp) has been a great reminder. Thanks for stopping by and subscribing. I pray my writing blesses you.
Oh do I forget!! Not a good thing at all! Remembering who I am changes everything! God’s perspective is so much better than mine! I always seem the most forgetful in the daily messes of life…so thankful for grace! Love this post Julie…thanks for sharing!!
You’re welcome, Jill. It is such a blessing to encourage each other to live as heirs to the Kingdom. Blessings, my friend.