Vivid in His eyes

God planned each of our lives. We are no accident, but lovingly created for this exact time and place.
God planned each of our lives. We are no accident, but lovingly created for this exact time and place. Share on X
I see vivid now, our first little bundle, fresh from all those tubes. Laying him on our bed—“Now what”? My man sees it different, him tiny and frightened, lying on his chest, falling fast asleep.
And the second one, all chubby-cheeked, adoring grin from ear to ear. So happy, no cares. What joy!
Then there’s the precious daughter. Fear and love intermingle. Where is the path? I vividly remember doctors, therapists, more doctors and more therapists. And the toes, such beautiful toes, playing contentedly. That’s all it takes for her. Contentedness? Where is mine?
Finally, the fourth. More treasures. Such a gift. Grounding us in children. Rounding out our family.
The memories of those lost are few, but the pain is remembered, the holes remain. Someday we will meet. For now Big Arms are enough.
Those past moments are vivid, etched in my mind forever. Reminding me of what was, bringing me around to what He does.
What lies ahead? It is blurry, kind of mush. But it’s okay because He holds it vivid, this future of mine. Someday, the future will become the present, then the past. It will be clear someday, one moment at a time. Until then, I can stand the haze, knowing that He has it mapped in perfect clarity.
Someday our hazy future will become the present, then the past. It will become clear, one moment at a time. Until then, we can trust God, knowing that He has it mapped in perfect clarity. Share on X
“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all [my] days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began” (Psalm 139:16).
Reflections: I would love to hear about some of your vivid memories, good and bad. Have you seen the difficult times redeemed? Are you at a place in your life where you can give your future to the One that planned it?
(This was orginally a 5-Minute Friday post.)
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Beautiful post about your children and the vivid memories of when they were born. Thank you for sharing this.
Holding tight to those memories as they approach “flying” age! Have a vivid-memory-making day, Nancy.
Paying back the visit, and wow, I’m glad I did. You have a beautiful heart, and your words are so encouraging. I’m thankful that the Lord can see through the haze even when we can’t. I’m such a visual person, so a cloudy horizon drives me nuts. Learning to rest in Jesus alone. You were a blessing today!
So grateful, I could be an encouragement, Kariss. Thanks for your sweet words.
How precious! Awesome pictures of the children. What a blessing.
Each one is so different but so special!