What It Means to Live as a Song of Worship #31DaysofPraise

Gold Brush Stroke

Sing to Him; sing praise to Him; tell about all His wonderful works!
1 Chronicles 16:9

Sing-to-Him-You don’t need me to tell you that life on this earth isn’t all roses. It actually involves a lot of thorns.

And sometimes, I don’t act very gracious when thorns begin to snag my shirt and poke my skin.

I respond in ways I don’t want to. 

My life gets messy and I lose sight of the finish line.

I get tired and snap at someone I love.

I assign less-important things too much importance.

In day-to-day living, I get it wrong too often.

The Power of Song

But God wisely gave us a weapon to the temporary blindness circumstances can impose: song.

Music is a beautiful gift in and of itself. But in Scripture, song serves a deeper purpose than just personal enjoyment.

In the Bible we repeatedly see the call to sing to the Lord. To sing His praises. To sing about His love, His faithfulness, His victory, His strength. 

We are called to sing about His glorious name and His greatness, generally and specifically. 

Song of Worship

Song is a form of worship. And it serves a critical purpose in realigning our sight and our attitude to be more in tune with the Lord’s. 

Song touches the depths of our emotions. Song draws us nearer to the Lord as we worship with open hearts.

When I’m intentional about singing the Lord’s praises, no matter what surrounds me—no matter the muck I’m slogging through, no matter the hurt I feel—I find a joy and peace that is otherwise elusive. 

As our lives become a song of worship, we tap into the divine. As we live a life of praise, we begin to know what it is like to find a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

As our lives become a song of worship, as we live a life of praise, we find a peace that passes all understanding. #31DaysofPraise Share on X

Filling each day with songs of worship keeps my heart and my mind on the majestic and glorious, a place where, as followers of Christ, we’ll be camped for all eternity.

That leaves little room for the hard circumstances of this world to drag me down. And when they do still manage to weasel their way in to my heart, causing all kinds of melancholy, anger and despair, adding a song of praise does wonders to right an upside-down attitude. 

Practice worshiping with song long enough and our life itself becomes a song of worship. What a glorious way to live!

Practice worshiping with song long enough and our life itself becomes a song of worship. What a glorious way to live! #31DaysofPraise Share on X

Now, I can’t help leave you with this beautiful acoustic version of Chris Tomlin’s, “How Can I Keep From Singing.” Indeed, how can I, how can you?

May my life, may yours, be lived as a song of worship. May this be me and you. 

May my life, may yours, be lived as a song of worship. May this be me and you. #31DaysofPraise Share on X

Reflections: Is your life becoming increasingly a song of worship?

If you like these short devotions on praise, be sure to check out my devotional on Amazon, “Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace.” Just click here! 

And I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “this is me” I love special linkups. They provide an abundance of great inspiration and encouragement all in one place. Click on the image below or link above to check them out.



By His Grace,



  1. Cindy Martin Krall on October 8, 2015 at 9:24 am

    “…a song of praise does wonders to right an upside-down attitude.” Thanks for the reminder friend. I WILL be turning up my music today! (Your neighbor over at #livefree 🙂 )

    • Julie Sunne on October 9, 2015 at 10:13 pm

      You won’t regret it, Cindy! Glad we’re neighbors.

  2. Jenn Han on October 8, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Julie I love this beautiful reminder to praise and worship. Thank you!

    • Julie Sunne on October 9, 2015 at 10:22 pm

      Grateful for your visit, Jenn.

  3. Valerie on October 8, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    Whenever I put praise music on my spirit is lifted and my problems seem to diminish! #livefree Thank you!

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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