11 Reasons I Can’t Quit Teaching Vacation Bible School

In stretching beyond what’s comfortable we grow.
Perhaps I should have taken a break from teaching Vacation Bible School this year. It would have been justified.
But despite a schedule that made my head spin, I couldn’t say no.
Every year, our VBS runs during the mornings for five days the first week of June. I always teach, which proves to be time-consuming in my desire to “do it right.”
Early this year, during a lapse of any mental activity on my part, I scheduled my son’s high school graduation party for the Saturday after VBS. The same week my daughter, Rachel, turned 16; two of my companies offered me editing projects; and several writing projects were in the queue.
Needless to say, I was stretched a bit thin. But despite the chaos, it proved to be a week of incredible joy, with sweet little moments of peace dropped in.
Blessings of Vacation Bible School
Here’s my 11 reasons why I just can’t quit teaching at VBS. Perhaps you can relate.
- I realize my love for Jesus all over again and am reminded of what it means to come to the Lord like a little child.
- I redevelop my passion for the Gospel.
- I have a captive audience to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with. Who better to share it with then children, for they are the next generation of disciples. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
- I enjoy wonderful Christian fellowship.
- I learn things I never knew before. This year, each day’s story took place near the Sea of Galilee, so I gleaned facts about the sea to share with the kids. (Did you know that the Sea is prone to sudden violent storms due to the cold air from the surrounding high hills clashing with the warm air rising from the waters?)
- I see the appreciation of the parents.
- I have developed boldness and confidence in sharing the Gospel by teaching in a nonthreatening environment. Currently it has spilled over into my online ministry as well.
- I get to enjoy fun praise music.
- I experience the children’s joy.
- I can help children feel loved and teach them they belong to God’s loving family. “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’“ (Matthew 19:14).
- I am blessed in ways I can’t even express.
God’s Grooming
God often leads us into scary waters as He grooms us for His purpose. But when we prove obedient, we find immeasurable blessings.
God often leads us into scary waters as He grooms us for His purpose. But when we prove obedient, we find immeasurable blessings. Share on X
In stretching beyond what’s comfortable, we grow. In being bold for Christ, we reach others with the love and hope of Life. There’s no gift greater than that.
Being a Blessing and Being Blessed
Perhaps some day God will call me to serve a different population during that first week of June. But until then, you’ll find me being a blessing and being blessed as I share Bible stories with the children at Vacation Bible School.
In stretching beyond what's comfortable we grow. In being bold for Christ, we reach others with the love and hope of Life. There's no gift greater than that. Share on X
“Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your fathers.” (Deuteronomy 11:18-21)
Reflection: Anything you’d add to the list? Is there an opportunity you have to pour the love of Jesus into the lives of others…yet you are hesitating? Or is there a ministry you are in that you just can’t imagine ever quitting? I’d love it if you’d share in the comments.
Linking up again this year with Ann Voskamp’s 2014 Joy Dare. Find the linkup at A Holy Experience. Beginning where I left off in 2013. What a blessing! #2882–2902, read the entire list by clicking here.
- Successful first day of VBS; A gift we cannot see or wrap—God’s grace!; Zach teaching Rach how to squirt water and refill a syringe
- Stranger’s spiritual impact on Joey; Just Rach & me this afternoon; Profound answers by young minds today in
#VBS14 - Taking a few minutes to ride on the tractor with hubby; and having supper ready in the crockpot when I walked in the door; and re-enacting Jesus’ calming of the sea and wind with my groups in VBS
- Sixteen years with my sweet daughter Rachel—love her so!; Being the storyteller for #VBS14—such joy; Patchwork night sky
- Wonderful end to #VBS14; Family and friends willing to help prepare for graduation party; My high school graduate’s sincerest thanks for my help with his party
- Lovely day for reconnecting and celebrating; Rootbeer floats; Smiling faces and big hearts of friends and family at grad party
- Leftover party food stored and distributed; and receiving a reminder that even in the silence, God is still working; and picking fresh garden strawberries
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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[…] In fact, years ago I almost opted out of teaching Vacation Bible School because of fear and feelings of inadequacy. Thank God I didn’t: Serving in VBS has blessed me in countless unexpected ways. Read more about that here, 11 Important Lessons Learned, and here, 11 Reasons I Can’t Quit. […]