The Only Sure Place to Anchor Your Heart

Too many of us tether our heart to the wrong thing.
Unhealthy Attachments
I’ve always been deeply attached to the farm I grew up on in northeast Iowa. I loved the peaceful countryside checkered with timber, cropland, and pastures. I love the memories of sledding the steep hill behind the house, wandering under the shadow of majestic oaks, and skipping rocks in the bubbling creek.
But we all grow up, and most of us leave our childhood stomping grounds. I did. Yet, it seemed a piece of me remained anchored in those rolling hills (even though much of the ground had been sold over the years).
Recently, I visited my parents and obtained permission from the landowners to once again roam my beloved childhood playground. Although interesting to see how each property owner made their particular acres home, I returned to my parents’ house a bit empty.
It was all so different. Special landmarks had all but disappeared. I no longer felt a sense of connection. I left bewildered and a bit sad.
As I processed my feelings that evening, I realized that for years, I’ve harbored an unhealthy attachment to a piece of ground. A place only superficially different from anywhere else in the world.
Yes, I should remember and appreciate the blessing of the sweet childhood I experienced: one where I was safe and loved. It was a childhood where I could dream impossible dreams and grow unhindered. Many never have that.
Only Place To Anchor Our Hearts
Yet the land occupied a place in my heart it never should have. I looked to it to deliver something it was never meant to provide …
… security. But the only real security is found in the Lord.
… peace. But the only lasting peace is found in Jesus Christ.
I have to guard my heart in this area. I have a tendency to deeply attach to people, places, and things that I’ve invested a great deal of time and heart into. The land on which I lived, played, worked, and grew up on. The children I birthed and raised. Even the prairie garden I planned, planted, and nurtured in honor of my daughter.
If not checked, that attachment can become unhealthy. When we seek fulfillment in our surroundings (past, present, or future), we seek to be satisfied by something that will ultimately fail us.
When we seek fulfillment in our surroundings, we seek to be satisfied by something that will ultimately fail us. Share on X
Land changes. Children we raise, grow up and leave (and sometimes disappoint). Nothing on this earth will ultimately satisfy.
The Lord is the only source of lasting peace and security. I’ll always appreciate and be grateful for my childhood years, but Jesus Christ is the only sure place to anchor my heart … and yours too.
The Lord is the only source of lasting peace & security....Jesus Christ is the only sure place to anchor our hearts. Share on X
So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
Reflections: Is there something or someone other than the Lord you’ve anchored your heart to? Is there something or someone other than Jesus where you look to find your security and peace? Revisit it and ask the Lord sever those unhealthy ties.
It’s been more than 5 years of counting and I’ve well passed 5,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #5304–5345. Read my entire list by clicking here.
- Danny coming home for a few hours to see his brother off; Cooking supper for 6 again; Fall-like evening, perfect for smores
- Hubby’s sense of humor when I call him at 5:50 a.m. thinking it was 6:50; Getting a walk in with my niece before heading for home; Successful first day of high school for our youngest two
- Little critters greeting me in the morning; Successful video interview; Early night
- A step closer to securing guardianship for Rach; Lunch with Danny and then a quick stop at Mom and Dad’s; Watching Joey’s 1st football game as a sophomore with sweet sister-in-law and brother-in-law,Susan and Roger
- Morning walk and talk with an awesome lady; Started reading aloud our second book in the Larkin series (I was unsure about this one since it’s a prequel, but so far thumbs up); #everydaypraisedevotional to my proofreading team!
- Picking apples and many other fruits and vegies; A fall-like day that begged for apple crisp; First call from Zach this school year
- My guy making a special trip to the store for sugar so I could keep canning jelly and tomatoes; Comfort of our church home; Quiet night with the kids
- God’s peace in the midst of overwhelm;#everydaypraisedevotional compiled for publication!; Hubby’s support so I have time to work
- Work day interrupted only by the beauty of nature; Near-bucket full of raspberries & a few wild plums picked; Much-needed date night with a great couple
- Gorgeous, attention-arresting morning; Prayer warriors during tough times; Despite Internet and computer issues and other “things-gone-wrong” my #everydaypraisedevotional launch team signup has been launched
- Acorns gathered for pancakes (hope it’s enough); Much better school day for Rach; Grocery shopping with Rachel (I sure meet a lot of people with her)
- Running nearly smack dab into a large buck on my morning wog; Being able to chuckle at my faux pas with my latest FB Live video; Evening football game with Joey and seeing the high school marching band for the first time this year
- Two pies baked and wild plum jelly canned; Beginning of a couple nights at Mom and Dad’s house; An evening of games and laughter
- Attending church with Danny; Walking my childhood stomping grounds with Joey; Another evening of games, and with it, more laughter
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Julie: I have had at least one,maybe two pastors tell people that even they would let them down. The only person to walk this earth that would not let us down is Jesus. Thank you for the reminder. Blessings.