How To Find the Best Plan for Your Life

Gold Brush Stroke

Whether He’s asking us to act or to wait, God always has the best plan for our lives.

Whether He's asking us to act or to wait, God always has the best plan for our lives. Share on X

God's best plan

Sometimes God Asks Us to Act

It came unbidden: a request I didn’t want to follow. Yet, I couldn’t deny the Holy Spirit’s prompts to turn around, to face the weeping lady behind me and comfort her. 

I argued with Him, using all the usual cliched excuses. 

I don’t know what to say. 

Someone else will help her. 

It’s not in my personality to be so direct. 

This is way out of my comfort zone.

Yet convicted, I turned and stood awkwardly, praying someone would step in first. Then I made the simplest, yet often most difficult, gesture. I asked if I could help. 

Although not much, it was exactly what this dear lady needed as she poured out her heart to me. I couldn’t solve her problem. That’s not why I was there. 

God had placed me in that exact place at that precise moment so I could be His hands and feet (actually His shoulder) on earth. He had me there to demonstrate His love for a beloved daughter in a tangible way. 

Sometimes God Asks Us to Wait

Throughout the conference, the message was clear: I needed to back off and slow down. I needed to heed God’s guidance, not direct what that should look like, to follow Him instead of try to lead.

My time to be published may come, but it would not be at that time and in that way. Other priorities required my attention.

Throughout the entire conference, God gently but firmly reminded me of my place. It wasn’t to plow ahead or create my own plan, but to follow His. I thought I was, that is until I really thought about it.

I repented, came home, and put my priorities in order. First on the list, to be tuned into to the Lord’s guidance by spending the first of every day with Him. Second, to love and serve my family. Third, the other stuff. 

God’s Best Plan for Us

Today, I’m 4 days from releasing my first book, a devotional about praising God. How awesome is that! And best of all, I believe it was written in obedience to Him.

Following God isn’t easy—we’ve never been told it would be—but in the long run, it’s always the best plan. 

Following God isn't easy—we're never told it would be—but in the long run, it's always the best plan. Share on X

I didn’t feel like I had much to offer my friend in line. I thought I knew what was best for me in the world of writing and ministry. 

Neither was true. Making decisions apart from God’s direction always leads us astray. 

I wish I could say I’m now quick to follow the Spirit’s promptings. Unfortunately, I don’t always take time to listen, and sometimes I’m simply stubborn. Yet listening for and yielding to the Holy Spirit’s prompting will always provide the greatest blessings. 

Listening for and yielding to the Holy Spirit's prompting will always provide the greatest blessings Share on X

Reflections: Has there been a time when the Holy Spirit prompted you to action? Has there been a time when He’s indicated you are to be still? Which request is harder for you to follow?  

I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “give way.’” Click on the image to check out the wonderful encouragement.

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By His Grace,



  1. Betsy Cruz on September 10, 2016 at 10:22 am

    Thanks so much for sharing this here, Julie. I love how you reached out to that woman behind you. For me it’s a lot harder to obey God’s prompt to be still. Easier when He says “Go.” But today I’ve been at home. Time to be still. He called me to it. 🙂

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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