Being Shaken Up and Stirred: Why It’s a Good Thing

No one welcomes trials, but it’s in the shaking up of our ideals and expectations where we learn to lean on someone else. It’s in being shaken up where we discover the One we can always lean on.
Agitated and in tears, I grabbed my parents’ Bible, threw myself on the bed, and began reading. A young teen, I felt out of control in the current situation.
A few months later I added a Bible to my Christmas gift list.
This was my first remembrance of actively seeking a closer relationship with God, and it happened because of a difficult circumstance.
I had a wonderful childhood, full of great memories. No serious health issues. A family that loved me.
I had much to be grateful for.
Yet it took a disturbing event to open my heart to the Lord.
Blessing of Trials
As I look back at the more than 4 decades of my life, I find the same pattern recurring. When life is rosy, with days mostly rolling out the way I expect, I find my faith a bit stagnant.
This apathy is not intentional; it just happens in the dailiness of life.
However, when happenings shake me up a bit—including frustrations, sorrows, and pain—that indifference disappears.
I may experience anger or frustration toward God in a difficult situation, but I never experience spiritual apathy in them.
Like it or not, it often takes unexpected and, yes, even unwanted circumstances to wake us up to the Lord.
It often takes unexpected and, yes, even unwanted circumstances to wake us up to the Lord. Share on X
And we definitely want to be awake. Just note what the book of Revelation reveals about God’s feelings toward spiritual indifference and apathy.
So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.Revelation 3:16
Yikes! Some pretty harsh words! And ones we’d do best to heed.
Because despite the heavy burdens we may face in our lifetime, none can equal the horror of facing an eternity of separation from God!
Despite the heavy burdens we may face, none can equal the horror of facing an eternity of separation from God! Share on X
Shaken and Stirred
No one welcomes trials.
But being shaken up a bit in our lives generates a new perspective: new thoughts, feelings, and actions get considered.
And if we allow our focus to shift from our pain to His plan, we become more willing to see all and experience all He has for us.
And reflect that to those around us.
It is in the shaking up of our ideals and expectations where we learn to lean on someone else.
It is in the shaking up of our ideals and expectations where we learn to lean on someone else. Share on X
It’s in being shaken up where we discover the One we can always lean on.
Rediscovering God
When our world seems to be falling apart despite everything we do, we rediscover our need for God and realize His faithfulness in being there.
When our world seems to be falling apart despite everything we do, we rediscover our need for God and realize His faithfulness. Share on X
Then coming out the other end with God in the lead, we find ourselves broken but not beaten, singed but not consumed, battle weary but walking in ever-stronger hope.
With God in the lead, we find ourselves broken not beaten, singed not consumed, battle weary but walking in hope. Share on X
Trials and tribulations can ignite and refine our faith, grow our love and passion for the Lord, and strengthen our hope.
All as we trust in His providence.
This, and so much more, all due to being shaken and stirred, not coddled and pampered.
And so we pray:
Lord, I don’t understand your ways.
Who can?
But in the midst of this hard,
You have proven faithful.
You walk with me in the deepest dark,
lighting the way for each step.
You lift me when I fall
and comfort me when it seems too much.
Lord, forgive my ignorance;
forgive my questioning.
Strengthen my small faith.
Impart the joy of Your salvation
into my every day.
May Your Name be praised
forever and ever! Amen!
“We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4
Reflections: What valuable lesson(s) have you learned from your trials?
There’s still time to enter my 2016 Praise Calendar Giveaway. Click here!
I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “shaken.” And linking up with the Faith Barista Bonnie Gray for her #OneWordAdvent series, with the prompt “Hope.” Finally, I’m joining Holley Gerth for her Coffee For Your Heart linkup. I love these special linkups. They provide an abundance of great inspiration and encouragement all in one place. Click on the images below or links above to check them out.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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beautiful post! I love your story here. #LiveFreeThursday!
Thank you, Beth! I appreciate you taking the time to read it.
“It’s in being shaken up where we discover the One we can always lean on.” Oh, YES! Thank you for this beautiful post, Julie! #livefreeThursday
You’re welcome, Crystal. Now if I can only remember the blessings of being shaken up next time it happens…
Julie, I love to watch how your posts become better and stronger and more powerful. You are truly finding your message and voice. Thank you for being a part of #livefreeThursday. I love the you do!
Aww, thanks Suzie! That means a lot to me. Love being a part of #livefreeThursday.