
In Five Years … Continue on With Hope
Hold onto hope in all that life throws at you by remembering the Lord’s faithfulness. The past five years have brought a world of changes to our lives. Some good, some hard, but we’ve been able to face them all with hope by looking to the Lord. During this time, my husband and I have…
The Constant to Cling To When Facing Seasons of Change
It can be difficult to move on in the midst of life changes, but God’s a constant we can all count on. In Iowa we have a saying about the weather: If you don’t like it, just wait a minute, it’ll change. That’s the way I feel about my life recently. Facing a Whirlwind of Change Over…
The Best Way to Begin a New Chapter
Focusing on the promise of God’s work in our lives allows us to savor the sweetness of the past, experience the beauty of the present, and anticipate the adventure of the future. Hard Change A bit over a month ago, my boy graduated from college! My firstborn. Earlier this month, he began his first job in the “real” world. Crazy,…
When Change Threatens to Zap Your Joy
Change can zap your joy, until you remember what each future moment holds: more Christ. Lately, I’ve been feeling sad more often. Plainly and simply sad. There’s no big catastrophe to bring it on. Oh sure, there are always a few hiccups in my days, but nothing has gone horribly wrong in the recent past.…
The One Truth About Each Moment You Don’t Want to Miss
I couldn’t sleep. Tears flowed as I reflected on the past years with my children. Now they were flying the coop. Two off to college; the last two in high school. Vacations all different. Family dynamics skewed. No more lively debate every evening. No more weekly games for four. Adventures in Odyssey, Veggie Tales, Disney…
You Don’t Have To Be a Victim To Unexpected Change
Despite meticulous planning, some (or is it many?) days just don’t go as expected. It’s not unusual, but it is disheartening to have a day so thrown off kilter. A morning like this one, which was flipped upside down with one Snapchat message. It wasn’t anything earth shattering or tragic, just another mess to add…
When It’s Time to Say Good-bye Again (A Prayer for When They Leave)
I cried when each child entered kindergarten. Sweet innocence seemed to be sneaking away. Changing Roles of Good-Bye Fast forward (and I mean fast forward!) to today and those childhood days are precious memories. My four children are flying the coop … way to soon it seems. I love seeing how God is molding my children;…
Walk into the Future with Confidence
Each endless hard day and each sweet lovely day melded into one glorious period of about 14 years, when nothing seemed to change. Yet in reality, everything did. Those were the years when life swirled around my four children. Although there were difficult moments, for the most part I treasured raising littles. I cherished those late-night…
Remember This When Letting Go Is Too Hard
I cried and took pictures (not in that order) when my children went off to Kindergarten. In the last 15 years nothing’s changed much there, I still cry as each one moves on to a new stage. Letting go has been anything but easy for me. Although I’m grateful for the growth and maturity I…
Questions to Ask on the Journey to a Beautiful Heart (& the Hope that Follows)
If we let the Lord work in our lives, He’ll guide and shape us, creating in us a beautiful heart. I was certain I was a good person. I knew I’d also be a good wife and a great mother. In those early years of marriage, I never thought I needed to change. And quite…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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