
“Felt” Love
Walking into therapy the other day, an unexpected feeling suddenly washed over me: a deep, encompassing love. The thought, I love people, I really do, looped through my mind. And it didn’t just stay between my ears, it engulfed my entire body. I didn’t just think love, I felt love! My next thought: Where did…
Take a Risk for Life
We must risk to truly live. Many years ago I interviewed a World War II vet. He was an amazing man. Sharing his stories of hardship and survival on the front lines. Since that interview, I’ve often wondered if I would have been as brave in the same circumstances. Would I have stood strong by…
Maintaining a Well-Manicured Lawn [God’s Way]
Have you ever noticed some plants are harder to mow than others? They just don’t cut easily, especially when they are allowed to grow a little longer … or when the mower blades are dull … or when I drive too fast. This happened to me a couple weeks ago. It required several passes over…
A Time for Stones [Identity]
I’m pleased to announce the winner of last week’s book giveaway is Cheryl McKay of Purple Penworks. Congratulations Cheryl for winning Katie Ganshert’s newly released novel, Wildflowers from Winter. A huge thank you to all commenters. Linking up to the The Gypsy Mama to take the Five Minute Friday writing challenge (only mine’s on Saturday)…
Radical Love Is …
Lately, I’ve been thinking about radical love—what it is and how it differs from perfect love. And I’ve been watching others demonstrate such love. I marvel at how despite their failings and imperfections, such individuals give without expecting, reach out without being asked. These people exhibit a love wildly different from what culture promotes. Radical…
Un[tangled] Perspective
I couldn’t get the tangled mass undone. The more I tried, the bigger mess it became. No amount of pulling, yelling, or begging helped. The strings seemed to wrap tighter the more I worked. It wasn’t until I sat back and gave myself some time and distance to examine the problem, did the solution present…
Silence of Unworthiness
Sometime in the middle of the night I felt it. The fog of sleep lifted just enough for me to groan and shift position. But it didn’t take long for the leg pain to set in again. Another groan, another shift. Nothing seemed to help. Propping on a pillow. Rolling to my side. Even loosening…
Prepared and Fearless
We may try to skirt around it, but the truth is, tasks are only disposed of efficiently and proficiently when proper tools and techniques are used. This is not a new concept for me, but sometimes I feel a job must be done without all the essentials in place. In other words, it needs to…
Shrouded Perception
There wasn’t a good reason for my mood. But there I was. Surly, irritable, depressed, tearful. Feeling unloved and wishing to be elsewhere. My surgery had gone well, pain was minimal, family and friends were helpful and attentive, and the sun was out. Still, rays of light struggled to penetrate the fog of despair that…
Cry, “Abba, Father”
The word floated down the hall. A single word, spoken so soft and sweetly. “Mama.” One word that always melts my heart. One word that always draws me near. When Rachel voices it, it doesn’t matter what else I’m doing. My attention is arrested, drawn to her precious little face. On this eve as I…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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