Delightfully Unique: It Applies to All of Us

We are all created delightfully unique.
During a conversation with a dear lady from church last night, I was transported back in time to when my daughter was little. It allowed me to reflect on how I’ve changed in those years, maturing in my understanding of how Jesus sees us.
While the early years of Rachel’s life were at times confusing, uncertain, and frustrating, much of the time they were sweet, precious, and normal—at least “normal” in our family’s sense of the word.
Despite her disabilities, at home Rachel was who she was. Just another of our children.
She was simply the little girl who didn’t sit independently until 2, didn’t walk or say her first word until 4, and loved to hold things with her feet.
She needed a pantyhose leg stretched over her own legs to teach her to crawl.
A special nipple/bottle combination delivered nutrition for the first year.
She used tools to help her stand and walk.
She was content, fun-loving, and beautiful; very little disturbed her.
She was Rachel.

“Butt dance”
Only when we ventured into public areas, where the evidence of Rachel’s delays became apparent, did our life appear different from others.
Well-intentioned people would ask Rachel her name only to turn with pity in their eyes when I answered for her. Others would stare with curiosity and perhaps some fear when Rachel would do what we fondly call her “butt” dance as she expressed her excitement.
She giggled and vocalized at inappropriate times, found even the static on the television screen exciting, and loved to watch herself in store monitors. I adored Rachel but at these times felt drawn to help her become more “normal” in society.
For quite some time, I mistakenly searched for and agonized over therapies and doctors that would make Rachel more like others. I thought it was my job as her mom to make her life better.
Not considering that perhaps God had already given her the best.

Uniquely Rachel

Black raspberry evidence
Delightfully Unique
But once I opened myself to the truth—that God created this precious little girl in His own image to be exactly who she is—I could finally fully embrace her, delighting in her uniqueness. We still pursue therapy and visit doctors, but now it is to develop Rachel’s full God-given potential. It no longer has anything to do with being normal or better.
Isn’t it wonderful that God sees us all in this way? What we perceive as disabled or broken, our Creator stamps as delightfully unique.
What we perceive as disabled or broken, our Creator stamps as delightfully unique. Share on X
We are each uniquely made—perfectly equipped to fulfill His plan for us. We don’t have to prove anything to Him. We don’t have to try to change to be more “normal.”
We are each uniquely made—perfectly equipped to fulfill God's plan for us. Share on X
God loves us each fully, each uniquely. His delight in us is already complete. And it is for me, and for you, to live as ones adored.
God loves us each fully and uniquely. His delight in us is complete in Christ. It is for me and you to live as ones adored. Share on X
“I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5, HCSB).
Reflections: You are delightful in the eyes of our Father! Do you believe it? How does that truth affect the way you live? How is it reflected in your life?
Linking once again to Faith Barista Thursday Jam.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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“You are delightful in the eyes of our Father! Do you believe it? How does that truth affect the way you live? How is it reflected in your life?”
… you my fb friend have taught me so much with your commitment to “un-masking” pretense and self-reliance… thank you for the day to day encouragement with “pictures” of your NORMAL..
Your gracious words bless me, Linda! Praying you are having a delightful evening.
This article was one of the best you have written. I love it. Keep on writing.
Love Mom
Thanks, Mom! Your love and support has been incredibly important to me over the years. It is such a blessing to have a mother like you. I love you!
Precious! Thank you for sharing your daughter with us. Blessings
Thanks, Jeanne. I love to show her off!