Identity Crisis: I Want To Be Like She Is!

I want to be like she [he] is!
How many times have I said that? Okay, how many times have I thought that?
Wishing I was that good at writing, that athletic, that pretty, that patient, that smart, that creative, that, that, that…. You name it, I’ve likely wished it.
In fact, I just did this morning.
Finding Our Identity
But God wants me (and you) to be like He created us to be, not like someone else. He created each of us in His image with a specific plan in mind. We all have strengths and weaknesses; gifts and disabilities.
Here’s the thing: We are loved for Whose we are, not for what we are good at.
And each of us are uniquely gifted to fill the roles we were created for. We each have our own identity.
We are loved for Whose we are, not for what we are good at. And each of us are uniquely gifted to fill the roles we were created for. Share on X
You may not be the best writer, the best athlete, the best businesswoman [man], or the prettiest. That is true. But you can be the best you!
You may not be the best writer, the best athlete, the best businessperson, or the prettiest. That is true. But you can be the best you! Share on X
Take time to assess your natural strengths and weaknesses. Ask God to reveal them to you.
Be You; Do Your Thing
Then put on blinders, if needed, to avoid looking at what others can and are doing, and set out to exercise your gifts, not someone else’s.
Contentment and satisfaction comes in discovering and sharing our strengths, not in what that particular strength is. In other words, the willingness to use your natural gifts is more important than what those gifts are.
You are valuable or you wouldn’t be here. God didn’t create everyone to be the same or do the same thing. You are called to do what He created you to do and be who He created you to be!
You are valuable or you wouldn't be here. God didn't create everyone to be the same or do the same thing. You are called to do what He created you to do and be who He created you to be! Share on X
So today, when you catch yourself thinking, “I want to be like she is,” change it to “I want to be like I am created to be.” Reclaim your identity.
And let God guide you there.
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, emphasis mine)
Reflection: Who do you find yourself wishing you were more like? Why? What is one of your gifts?
Joining multitudes who are taking Ann Voskamp‘s 2013 Joy Dare. Apparently for the month of December, we are not linking up at A Holy Experience, so you’ll have to just enjoy my list (#2334–2354, read the entire list by clicking here):
- Attended a celebration of life for a faithful servant; Sun cutting through a rainy day; Plans made to visit my folks in February
- Preparing treats with group of great ladies; Working light fixtures–thanks hub!; Family and students safe during foggy travel
- Sweet son assured me I’m good at uplifting others to make up for my questionable singing prowess; Afternoon with hubby; Beauty of fog
- Helping with Special Olympics again; Must’ve done 50 errands today; Found gems of wisdom tucked in a Bible from this summer
- Hosting my niece overnight; Attending my son’s wrestling meet and knowing he enjoyed himself; Finishing up my candy gifts
- Wide expanse of blue sky; Reward of giving–even something of little monetary value; Working alongside some fabulous ladies
- Our Thanksgiving Tree transformed to a Jesse Tree; Safe park deer hunt; Christmas music filling the house
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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