Remember This When You Don’t Understand

“I don’t understand.”
Another admission I made to my dad nearly a year ago. Because I didn’t understand then why God was allowing certain things to happen (and, if I’m honest, I still don’t). In fact, I often fail to understand what God is doing in my life.
God’s Ways Are Beyond My Comprehension
The Lord’s ways are beyond my comprehension. Sometimes I wish it weren’t so, but actually, that’s exactly the way it should be. Not because I like being in the dark, but because a God worth following and worshiping is one who is beyond comprehension.
Of course, God reveals aspects of His character and glimpses into His actions in many ways: in His Word, through prayer, and in His daily interactions with us. But what I truly understand about the Creator of the Universe, the Redeemer of my soul, the Sustainer of all, is miniscule compared to who He really is.
Who am I to Question God?
So, who am I, His created, to tell Him, my Creator, what He should address, how He should act, or when He should step in? Should I be like the Israelites who had “turned things around, as if the potter were the same as the clay. How can what is made say about its maker, ‘He didn’t make me”’? How can what is formed say about the one who formed it, ‘He doesn’t understand what he’s doing’”? Isaiah 29:16, CSB
God is all-knowing and all-powerful, He is righteous and just in all He does, He has a purpose for my life, and He loves me with an everlasting love. And because He is sovereign, nothing surprises Him. He is never taken off guard.
God is all-knowing and all-powerful, He is righteous and just in all He does, He has a purpose for each of our lives, and He loves us with an everlasting love. Share on X
When You Don’t Understand
Life will continue to throw unexpected things in my path and in the path of those I love. There will continue to be happenings we don’t understand. But the Lord will not fail me nor any who place their trust in Him. We can count on Him.
It doesn’t mean we won’t suffer or experience sorrow. It doesn’t mean we will suddenly like and readily welcome everything that comes our way. But it does mean we can grow to accept the difficult God allows and anticipate the good He will bring.
When you don’t understand why God is allowing something in your life, remind yourself that God knows best and will bring good out of it. Because He does and He will.
When you don't understand why God is allowing something in your life, remind yourself that God knows best and will bring good out of it. Because He does and He will. Share on X
Dear Lord, I don’t understand why You allow certain things in my life. Your timing confuses and, if I’m honest, sometimes frustrates me. Yet, You are the potter and I am simply the clay. Who am I to question You or try to guide You? Help me surrender my understanding to Yours. Help me accept all that comes through Your hand, the good and the bad. And help me wait patiently and expectantly for Your deliverance from the burdens I now carry. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Reflections: What does it mean to you that God is the potter and you are the clay? Is it encouraging to you, or does it cause you consternation?
By His Grace,

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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