When Slow and Quiet Is Not Your Reality #AdventReflections

Gold Brush Stroke

In the past, I jumped from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Like many, I’d bypass the intermediary season of preparation, expectation, and anticipation.

Yet slowly through the years, I’ve begun to realize what I’ve been missing. 

Advent specifically focuses on Christ’s “coming.” His past coming in our secured salvation. His present coming in Word and sacrament. And His future coming when He returns again. 

This year my plans included beginning the Advent season in a slow and quiet manner, reflecting on the full extent of what this “coming” means. I’d have lit candles, background music, and planned scripture and devotional readings. 

Yet life circumstances aren’t lining up very well for slow and quiet. Instead long-distance doctor appointments; out-of-state travel to transport a child to and from home; and meetings found their way into my schedule, taking up entire days. 

My calendar is colored far too full to allow for the dream season I had created in my mind. My plan for a reflective Advent season seemed doomed.

Yet a sabotaged calendar doesn’t mean this Advent season of reflection and anticipation has to be sabotaged too. Even when life becomes busy, we can take time to appreciate and anticipate all this season means. 

A sabotaged calendar doesn't mean this Advent season of reflection and anticipation has to be sabotaged too. Share on X


When the Calendar Says No to Quiet and Slow

We think of slow and quiet as something we do externally. Yet when we can’t physically slow down, we can still do it emotionally and intellectually.

We can still prepare our hearts and minds to dwell on Christ. Regardless of the circumstances in our lives during the Advent season, we can give our soul what it longs for, connection with our Savior.  

Our days often get more jam-packed as we approach Christmas. Yet even when life becomes busy, we can prepare our hearts and minds to dwell on Christ. #AdventReflections Share on X

When slow and quiet is not your reality, consider incorporating such simple practices as

  • breathing a quick prayer of thanks for your salvation,
  • reminding yourself of Christ’s birth and death for you,
  • reciting a prophetic Bible verse that points to Jesus’ coming, such as Jeremiah 33:15
  • Discover the blessing of having your Advent devotions read to you via a mobile Bible app (I like Bible Gateway) while running an errand or driving to an appointment or preparing the evening meal. 

Find something that works and then relax, knowing Jesus will meet you where you are. And the sweetness of the moment will be there when your schedule does slow enough to allow for those extra-special practices like candle lighting and calendar observance.  

Meet Jesus Where You Are

My week ahead continues to present rather full. For me, it’s tempting to cram everything I missed so far and all I will miss in my Advent observance into a one-day session. Yet that wouldn’t be very simple or reflective.

So instead of fighting for it all, I’m going to start where I am. I have today, where the hours are more manageable and the possibility of quiet exists. 

Instead of getting nothing out of any of it, I’m going to grab the slower moments that promise to grace this day. I’m going to quiet myself, so I can be fully present with the Lord in the time that presents today.

So today, the prophecy candle will be lit in hope and expectation for the coming Messiah. Today, the Advent Scripture readings for this day will be enjoyed.

Tomorrow may look very different, with few peaceful moments. Yet as long as we purpose in our hearts and minds to be in Christ, even the busiest days can bring us into closer communion with Him. Isn’t that what Advent is all about? 

Yes, circumstances may prevent us from being outwardly quiet and still, but we can we can still do so inwardly, slowing our minds and preparing our hearts to be with our Savior.

Circumstances may prevent us from being outwardly quiet and still, but we can still be at rest inwardly. #AdventReflections Share on X

The promise was given, the way is being made straight, and our future hope is secured. We have a lot to be grateful for. Let’s dwell with Him today, whether in the middle of a chaotic day or in the hush of quiet moments.

Dwell with Christ today, whether in the middle of a chaotic day or in the hush of quiet moments. Share on X

And again, Isaiah says, ‘The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.’  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:12-13

Reflections: What Advent practices have you planned? How can you sit with Christ during this Advent season even when your days roll out too busy to be still? 

It’s been more than 5 years of counting and I’ve well passed 5,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! Here are numbers #5545–5565. Read my entire list by clicking here.

  • *Beauty of frosted leaves; *Our oldest back home through the holidays; *The beauty of nature brought inside to decorate for Thanksgiving
  • *Christian radio and podcasts for long drives; *Zach home for Thanksgiving; *Living room turning into a wrestling room with all the boys together, and Rachel joining right in
  • *Cooking for my 6 (okay, maybe enough for 20); *Time to do day-before prep of Thanksgiving dishes to allow for more relationship time on the big day; *Thanksgiving Eve worship with my family and friends
  • *A delicious, on-time meal with the five people I love most; *A little football 500 with the boys followed by a quiet solo walk through the timber at dusk; *Serving my boy by doing a bit of sewing
  • *Sneaking in games between baking and making; *Having a couple helpers with candy/cookie making; *Crockpot soup for an easy meal
  • *Being part of a large family; *Looking past individual differences to love and enjoy time together as an extended family at the Reuter Christmas celebration – it’s not always perfect but it ends up beautiful; *Food, game playing, exchanging gifts, sibling/niece/nephew/cousin bonding, and laughter
  • *More time spent with family; *More car time with Zach, getting him back to college; *Warm hug via a simple, heart-felt text of acknowledgement


By His Grace,



  1. Cecelia Lester on December 5, 2016 at 9:20 am

    Julie: I have been sick since Thanksgiving. I have the time to be slow and thoughtful about Christ. My advent blogs are focused on the Messiah and who people call Him. quietspirit,blogspot.com

    • Julie Sunne on December 11, 2016 at 9:33 pm

      I’m sorry you’ve been ill, Cecelia. Prayers for restored health.

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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