When Life Knocks You Down #AdventReflections

When life knocks you down, look up.
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a rather strong person, a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of person. Generally, I can see the next step and take it. Yet there’s been plenty of times when I’ve felt out-of-control and inadequate to handle a situation.
The big ones that quickly come to mind are my miscarriages and when Rachel was diagnosed with a lifelong disability. However, plenty of smaller setbacks and even normal everyday life can leave one feeling weak and insufficient as well.
I hate it, that helpless feeling, yet I’ve come to realize it’s actually a good thing. Because when we feel powerless, we’re more likely to let Christ in.
Our weakness opens us up to welcome in God’s power.
Our weakness opens us up to welcome in God's power. #AdventReflections Share on X
Feeling Powerless
Reading aloud to my children has always been a favorite activity of mine, even when they’re well into their teens. I’m always searching for an engaging Christian or classic story that would lend itself well to our read-aloud time.
Several months ago, my friend and fellow writer Natasha Metzler pointed me to a previously self-published fiction series titled the Tales of Larkin. This wonderful Christian trilogy by Alan W. Harris features a 1-inch tall race of people who initially don’t know about the triune God. Instead they worship many gods.
In the second book, which is really the prequel, war breaks out in the tiny’s world. Eventually, a couple of warriors from the good side, Larkin and his father General Ramus, get washed downstream into the world of giants who know and love Jesus. Befriended by a giant family (think you and me in height), Larkin and Ramus are cared for and learn about the Creator and Savior.
After many months, the two accept Jesus as their Lord and King. A short while later Ramus dies, but not before charging his son with returning to their country of Lanara and, with the help of “the Maker,” trying to save their king and his family from the evil bandits.
But following his father’s death, Larkin feels alone and powerless to follow through on his promise to help King Kaelen, much less return to his country. “I know I promised, Father,” he blurted, “but I don’t know how I’m going to do it!”
In despair, he falls face down before the Maker and pours out his heart to Him. As he prays, deep peace and gratitude wash over Larkin because “Larkin knew that the Maker had received his prayer and help would be coming.”
Tapping Into God’s Power and Might
Help is coming. In fact, help is at hand.
Whether facing big issues or smaller ones, many of us scheme and plan, trying to figure out how we can make it through on our own. We try to stand tall, but our strength can only carry us so far.
Finally, feeling defeated like Larkin, we end up face down before our Lord. But instead of falling despairingly into that position, why not begin there … in a posture of hope?
When Life Knocks You Down, Look Up
Humbling ourselves before the Lord should be our first act when faced with a troubling circumstance, not our last resort. It is where we should be often, because that’s where our powerless becomes powerful in the might of our Lord.
Humbling ourselves before the Lord should be our first act when faced with a troubling circumstance, not a last resort. Share on X
The victory is secured friends. Jesus secured it. And He hands it to us.
He gives us His strength and power. We simply need to acknowledge our need.
So let’s begin each day of this Advent season face down before our Lord, in humble gratitude and hopeful anticipation of all He offers. All He offers in His coming—in the past, in the present, and in the future.
Because tapping into His might ensures we’ll never be truly powerless.
When life knocks you down, look up! Tapping into God's might ensures we'll never be truly powerless. #AdventReflections Share on X
“See, the Lord God comes with strength,
and His power establishes His rule.
His reward is with Him,
and His gifts accompany Him.
11 He protects His flock like a shepherd;
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them in the fold of His garment.
He gently leads those that are nursing.” Isaiah 40:10-11
Reflections: In what area of your life do you feel the most powerless? Have you considered beginning your days before the Lord, humbly accepting His strength to get you through?
I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “I’m not powerless.” Click on the image to check out the wonderful encouragement.
* This post contains affiliate links.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Thank you for the reminder and the encouragement to be humble before our God and that He should always be our first, not last resort.
Oh to live this way, Julia! Thanks for your comment.